Accepted Papers

Best Paper

Will be determined out of all papers (long and short orals) during the workshop.

Long Oral + Poster

ID 8: Reliable Trajectory Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification with Conditioned Diffusion Models

ID 11: Hinge-Wasserstein: Estimating Multimodal Aleatoric Uncertainty in Regression Tasks

ID 17: Towards 100x faster Randomized Smoothing: exploring the trade-off between sample budget and Certified Radius

ID 21: The Penalized Inverse Probability Measure for Conformal Classification

ID 22: Run-time Monitoring of 3D Object Detection in Automated Driving Systems Using Early Layer Neural Activation Patterns

Short Oral + Poster 

ID 2: Look, Listen, and Attack: Backdoor Attacks Against Video Action Recognition

ID 5: Understanding ReLU Network Robustness Through Test Set Certification Performance

ID 12: AdvDenoise: Fast Generation Framework of Universal and Robust Adversarial Patches Using Denoise

ID 14: Understanding the (Extra-)Ordinary: Validating Deep Model Decisions with Prototypical Concept-based Explanations

ID 20: Situation Monitor: Zero-Shot Out-of-Distribution Detection based on Diversity based Budding Ensemble Architecture for Object Detection

ID 25: Reactive Model Correction: Mitigating Harm to Task-Relevant Features via Conditional Bias Suppression

ID 26: Investigating Calibration and Corruption Robustness of Post-hoc Pruned Perception CNNs: An Image Classification Benchmark Study

ID 27: Towards Weakly-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Lane Detection

ID 29: Towards Engineered Safe AI with Modular Concept Models

ID 30: Conformal Semantic Image Segmentation: Post-hoc quantification of predictive uncertainty

ID 31: A Comprehensive Analysis of Factors Impacting Membership Inference

ID 35: Exploiting CLIP Self-Consistency to Automate Image Augmentation for Safety Critical Scenarios

Camera Ready Instructions

Please find Camera-Ready Submission Instructions under the following link:

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