Sri Sathya Sai Aradhana Mahothsavam 24-Apr-2012

Post date: Apr 23, 2012 6:58:19 PM

This is the day,in 2011, when our beloved Swamy left the Manusha vesham and entered into our hearts permanantly.


This is the day to recollect and remember Bhagawan's teachings and His life history. Each word of Swamy , each second of His existance in this world, each incidence in His life history is something of great value that needs to be constantly remembered, recollected and contemplated. In pursuit of this goal-to help in this goal, Swamy's life History ( only a portion of it-Humans being incomplete & imperfect can not write the History of God -the whole and Perfect. Hence the term Portion) was attempted some time back.. and by His grace is being released in our website today

Let us all enjoy it together in our mother tongue... Yes.. it is written in Tamil..

Please click here to read "சத்தியத்தின் சரித்திரம்"


Samithi Mahilas presented Sai Sangeetham, a musical rendition at the lotus feet of Bhagawan Baba on 22-Apr-12. A large number of devotees enjoyed the emotional rendition & shed tears of emotion charged with divine ecstasy...!... This sure , vindicated the presence of Swamy at the venue..

Swamy also decided to immerse us in bliss the next day..and the days to come..

Yes.. By His grace, he showered the Viboothi on His portrait that was...the next day morning..

What more proof is needed to understand that Swamy is ever with our own hearts...!

We only need to take one step towrds him with a hear of love.. Our Swamy will take ten steps towards us to fulfill hil Vow..that is to shower His love on us...!

Manifestation PHOTOS



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Sung by : Solo : Smt. Yamuna - Bhajan Coordinator Chitlapakkam Samithi

Chorus : Mahilas

Lyrics : S.Sridharan