Buy velvet fabric online

Buy velvet fabric online – Here are Some Options

Velvet was commonly used in the countries of the Middle East before Renaissance, and then it gained popularity in Europe. Gradually it gets the picked choice of royal and becomes the indicator of royalty across the world. However, today, this fabric is popular among all regardless of a specific culture, region, gender and anything. If velvet is your favourite fabric, you should know the varieties of velvet fabrics developed over the centuries.

Now you have the opportunity to buy velvet fabric online, have a look at below are the kinds of velvet fabric you can expect to buy.

Different forms of Velvet

These are a handful of velvet fabrics examples.

1. Chiffon velvet

It is also popular as transparent velvet. This ultra-sheer type of velvet is mostly used for eveningwear and formal garments.

2. Crushed velvet

Possibly, it is the most distinctive type of velvet that offers various textures achieved by either twisting or pressing this fabric when wet. Instead of having a uniform surface, this type of velvet rises and falls in a way that is visually fascinating and randomly organic.

3. Embossed velvet

This form of the velvet has symbols, words or shapes embossed into it. But the embossed part may be a bit shorter than its surrounding fabric section. And mostly, the embossed effect can be felt when touched.

4. Hammered velvet

Consider as one of the most lustrous types, hammered velvet has been firmly smashed or pressed instead of crushed. The result comes - dappled and vastly reminiscent of the coat of a warm and soft animal.

5. Lyons velvet

This sort of velvet is usually much denser than other forms of velvet. It results in an unbendable textile, ideal for countless outerwear applications, for example, coats and hats. It is considered one of the most luxurious materials for outerwear in existence.

6. Panne velvet

The term ‘Panne’ means several things related to velvet. But it actually designated the type of crushed velvet, which was subjected to a particular single-direction thrusting moment. Nowadays, Panne is widely used as referred to velvet with lots of appearances.

Other types of velvet available are such as Utrecht velvet, Voided velvet and Ring velvet.

Purchase your choice of velvet fabric

Want to buy quality velvet fabric online? There are so many stores available online, but when it comes to quality fabric at a reasonable price, Sahni fab is the ultimate and reliable store. This store has a huge collection of fabrics, including velvet. Visit to explore the collection.