
Don’t have a sitter and need a meeting?

Saginaw Group now offers complimentary childcare in the couch room at 5:30 on Mondays! See you then!

Birthday Night/Friday Open Speaker meetings are now hybrid meetings.

A hybrid A.A. meeting is one in which some of the attendees are in-person and other attendees join using video conferencing such as Zoom (a virtual meeting.) Considerations include having the in-person attendees agree to the hybrid meeting. 

Sober Strollers

Sober Strollers walk/hike the trails at Eagle Mountain Park or Willow Creek Park on Saturday mornings. For more information contact Steve C. at (817) 937-6393 or Brian W. at (469) 767-0931.

Eagle Mountain Park
11601 Morris Dido Newark Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76179
Meet by the pavillion.

Willow Creek Park
N Knowles Dr, Saginaw, TX 76179
Meet in the parking lot by the softball fields.


Events are listed on our private FB Group.

Email for a private invite to the private page.