Research Work

Halide Perovskite

Zhou, Y. et al. Advances and challenges in understanding the microscopic structure–property–performance relationship in perovskite solar cells. Nat Energy 7, 794–807 (2022). 

Perovskite Solar Cell(PSCs)

Machine Learning for PSCs

Machine learning (ML) is revolutionizing the field of halide perovskites solar cells by enabling rapid and efficient exploration of their vast compositional and structural space to optimize material properties and device performance. ML algorithms analyze large datasets from experimental results and computational simulations to identify patterns and correlations that might be challenging to discern through traditional methods. These models can predict new halide perovskite compositions' optical and electronic properties, guide the synthesis of materials with desired characteristics, and optimize fabrication processes. For instance, neural networks and support vector machines can be trained on existing data to forecast the stability, bandgap, and defect tolerance of novel perovskite structures, significantly accelerating the discovery and development of high-performance materials. Additionally, ML techniques assist in optimizing device architectures by simulating various configurations and predicting their performance, thus reducing the need for extensive trial-and-error experimentation. By harnessing the predictive power of ML, researchers can more efficiently design halide perovskite materials and devices, driving innovation in photovoltaic technologies and beyond.
