Call for Papers


Generative AI (GenAI) is quickly advancing and fast becoming a widely deployed technology. GenAI-based systems rely on machine-learning (ML) models trained on large amounts of data using deep-learning techniques. As the power and flexibility of the models advance, the architectural complexity of GenAI-based systems is advancing too. Current architectures may combine multiple models, using sequences of model queries to complete a task, with external (non-ML) components leveraged to enhance the model’s operation via database queries or API calls. These architectures may be vulnerable to a variety of attacks that use adversarial inputs to create malicious outputs.

This workshop invites new contributions to the broader understanding of security for GenAI systems and applications. Contributions may address security threats and defenses for individual models, or for systems and architectures that may employ one or more generative ML models as subcomponents. The workshop welcomes discussion of new GenAI security concerns, as well as new approaches to architecting GenAI-based systems for safety, security, and privacy.

Topics of Interest

SAGAI welcomes contributions on all aspects of safety, security, and privacy of GenAI-based systems, including text, image, audio, video, code, and other modalities. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Mechanisms for Safety, Security, and Privacy of GenAI

Security Architectures for GenAI

Out of Scope

Because there are many other conferences and workshops on this topic, we consider techniques for pre-training or fine-tuning the model(s) used by a GenAI-based system, or to curate the data used in such training or tuning, to be out of scope for the workshop. This includes training techniques to achieve model alignment and techniques to prevent data poisoning. However, submissions that consider alignment, robustness, new forms of attack, and novel defenses of system architectures that combine individual models with other components are welcome.

Submission Guidelines

We accept full-length papers of up to 10 pages, plus additional references and appendices. To be considered, papers must be received by the submission deadline (see Important Dates).

Paper Format

Papers must be formatted for US letter (not A4) size paper. The text must be formatted in a two-column layout, with columns no more than 9.5 in. tall and 3.5 in. wide. The text must be in Times font, 10-point or larger, with 11-point or larger line spacing. Authors are strongly recommended to use the latest IEEE "compsoc" conference proceedings templates.

Failure to adhere to the page limit and formatting requirements are grounds for rejection without review. Submissions must be in English and properly anonymized.

IEEE S&P’s criteria for anonymous submissions, conflicts of interest, ethical considerations, and competing interests (all available at apply.

Presentation Form

All accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop. All papers will be included in the IEEE workshop proceedings. One author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper for it to be included in the proceedings.

Submission Site

Submissions must be in Portable Document Format (.pdf).

Submission server: