Code of Conduct

SAG23 is committed to making this effort productive and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, nationality or religion. We will not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. As such, we follow the AAS Code of Ethics.

To foster an inclusive and welcoming environment for all, SAG23 adopts the meeting "ground rules" listed below:

· Be respectful: Use language that fosters a welcoming environment. Use “I” statements and speak from your own experiences and avoid generalizing. Respect that others’ experiences and expertise will differ from your own. If you paraphrase what someone else said, verify with them afterwards that you have correctly interpreted their words: “Did I get that right?”

· Be mindful: Notice how much you and those around you are speaking. If you find yourself dominating the conversation, please step back; if you have not spoken much, feel encouraged to step up. Be aware of how your identity and status affect how you speak and listen to others.

· Be inclusive: Think “both/and” rather than “either/or” and acknowledge that binaries are incomplete. Leave room for complexity and avoid oversimplification. Listen actively and be present and attentive while others are speaking. Avoid mentally imposing your own biases, thoughts, or opinions onto what someone else is sharing.

If you experience or observe a violation of the AAS Code of Ethics, please contact the chairs of SAG23 via any communication channel you find the most comfortable (e-mail, Slack, phone, etc.), either disclosing your name or anonymously.