ICAR 2021 Workshop on

Design, Learning, and Control for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration

December 7, 2021


Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) can bring a new level of flexibility and efficiency to the industry. From robots that execute tasks while sharing their workspace with humans to robots that accomplish a task while physically interacting with humans. Although safety has always played a central role in the design of robotic systems, when humans and robots work more closely together, safety becomes increasingly important.

Researchers from academia and industry have been approaching the safety problem from many diverse perspectives. From improving the feeling of safety and comfort of the human by making the robot's intents easier to interpret to guaranteeing safety by enforcing constraints. New hardware and algorithms are shaping the HRC research landscape with collision sensors, soft robotic structures, haptics, data-driven approaches, and theoretical safety certificates. However, to implement these new technologies in the industry, they have to meet the current ISO standards.

This workshop aims to bring together roboticists from academia as well as from industry to share their latest developments and vision on safe HRC and on how to adopt it in the real world.

Video recordings

Important dates

  • Submission deadline: November 8, 2021 November 22, 2021

  • Notification of paper acceptance: November 15, 2021 November 29, 2021

  • Workshop date: December 7, 2021

According to the ICAR website, the conference and the workshop will be held remotely because of the current covid-19 situation in Slovenia.

Click here to register for the event.

Endorsed by

  • IEEE-RAS Technical Committee for Human-Robot Interaction & Coordination

  • IEEE-RAS Technical Committee for Robot Learning