1997, the year Safecracker was released on Windows, as well as Mac. Made by Daydream Software AB and published by GT Interactive Software Europe Ltd., DreamCatcher Interactive Inc., Octagon Entertainment, Inc., this puzzle game is available for free on this page.

Safecracker is a 1997 puzzle adventure game developed by Daydream Software and published by GT Interactive. It casts the player as a security professional, whose goal is to infiltrate the mansion headquarters of a safe manufacturer and break into 35 of its unusual models. Each safe is guarded by a different type of puzzle, including sliding tiles, anagram codes and translations from braille. The player's progression is nonlinear: the mansion can be explored, and its safes unlocked, in multiple orders. However, the game must be completed within a 12-hour time limit.

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Safecracker was conceived in 1994 as the debut title by Daydream, one of Sweden's first major computer game developers. After signing with Warner Interactive Entertainment (WIE) in 1995, Daydream began to develop the game with Macromedia Director and QuickTime VR. Expensive Silicon Graphics machines were purchased with Warner's funding to create the visuals; musicians Rob 'n' Raz were hired to compose the soundtrack. However, corporate upheaval at WIE led to costly delays. GT Interactive ultimately bought the publisher in 1996 and purposely slow-walked Safecracker's release and promotion. Having anticipated problems with GT, Daydream went public: its hit IPO drew enough capital for the team to repurchase Safecracker's rights in 1997 and sign new distributors worldwide.

Safecracker was first released in Sweden in the middle of May 1997. Later that month and in early June, it received follow-up launches in 14 other territories across Europe and South America.[36] Despite significant pre-release coverage,[5][17] Safecracker's many delays meant that the "momentum for the game ... could not be exploited", according to the academic researchers Ola Henfridsson, Helena Holmstrm and Ole Hanseth.[17] It accrued sales of 18,000 units in its first two weeks.[36] Jan Phersson-Broberg later told investors that GT Interactive failed to support Safecracker at retail. He reported that the publisher "did not advertise, [and] did not place interviews, reviews" or other press relations material for the game, and that he received silence when Daydream Software sought an explanation.[34] Behind the scenes, according to The Wall Street Journal, the project had "ended up on the 'let-die' pile" at GT Interactive.[33]

Global sales of Safecracker reached 22,000 units by the start of autumn, before its launch in the Australian and North American markets.[37] It remained unreleased in the latter region by late 1997.[38] Nigel Papworth noted that North America was "seen as the paramount market to crack" for international developers; its buying power was equivalent to the rest of the world's combined.[39] Reacting to these delays, Daydream publicly reported trouble with GT Interactive Europe in late 1997,[40] and questioned the publisher's competence with and interest in Safecracker.[41] Next Generation quoted the team's statement that it was "increasingly frustrated over the lack of marketing and the stalling of a North American release".[38] In September 1997, Daydream initiated a plan to repurchase all rights to Safecracker,[34] a move enabled by the developer's independent financing from shareholders.[5] The buyout was executed on November 27.[42] It cost roughly 1.4 million kr, compared to the 2.2 million kr that Daydream owed its publisher for the Warner Interactive advance.[34] The money spent to purchase Safecracker counted toward repayment of the advance,[43] which had been set to bankrupt Daydream.[7]

In place of the GT Interactive contract, Daydream hired the talent agency Octagon Entertainment, a firm also involved with Fable and Starship Titanic.[40] Octagon's job was to sign local distribution partners in Asia, Europe, Australia and North America for Safecracker.[41] Phersson-Broberg told investors that partnering with regional companies, each of which understood its respective market, enabled the developer to "spread [its] eggs in more baskets". This strategy was intended to raise Safecracker's chances of becoming a hit. Daydream offloaded marketing and unit production to each distributor, which Phersson-Broberg said would allow the company to "focus solely on developing more good computer games."[34] The developer forecast that the repayment of its advance, combined with its full ownership of the game, would hasten Safecracker's breaking even.[43] As part of the buyback deal with GT Interactive, Daydream recalled around 7,500 unsold copies of the game's original release to storage. The developer proceeded to resell these to new distributors at prices ranging from 80 to 180 kr.[34] Safecracker's Macintosh version launched in Sweden in December 1997.[43]

In October 1997,[61] Safecracker won the "People's Choice" prize among entertainment products at the Macromedia International User Conference (UCON). This followed the game's wins, before its launch, at the Macromedia European User Awards.[13]

You are the best safecracker there is. Never failed to crack a safe, never got caught. You are so hot, safes melt when you come close. But not this baby. It's the only F-9-12 in the world, the latest model from Crabb & Sons Company. They say it's impossible to open it without a combination. To getto F-9-12 and reveal its combination, you'll first have to crack many other safes. The stakes are high, but the loot is juicy, as F-9-12 probably holds more gold, jewels and cash than you can count... Are you in?

This story profiles Charlie Santore, a 48-year-old safecracker licensed in the city of Los Angeles. Charlie operates under the name Santore & Son and he goes about his business in a 1997 Mercedes so overloaded with safecracking equipment that its trunk nearly scrapes the ground. The author says:

Hello! My name is Mike Hamilton. I started to clean windows in 1981. I 1997 my wrists and knees hurt so bad that I started another business (Locksmith/SafeCracker) to ease the wrist wear. Left the window business to my son and stopped about seven years ago for the most part. Am now returning to help my son out. Looking forward to learning all that I missed from this site and others. Thanks in advance!!!

At the time, Sen. Charles Grassley, a Republican from Iowa, had introduced a bill with a provision that targeted companies like Tyco, which maintained an off-shore tax status. The provision would have imposed new taxes on Tyco going back to 1997.

Access is vital in lobbying. If you can't get in your door, you can't make your case. Here we had a hostile senator, whose staff was hostile. And we had to get in. So that's the lobbyist safecracker method, is raise money and become a big donor.

towarda plausibleterminus, we never truly find a complete story. Blayze Hembree University ofOklahoma SergioKokis. Clandestino. Montreal. Levesque. 2010.256 pages.Can$25. isbn 978-2-923844-33-6 Born in1944 inRiodeJaneiro, Sergio Kokisstudied psychology inFrance before moving toMontreal in 1969. He stoppedworking as a clinical psychologist in1997 tobecome a fulltime painter andwriter. Whether set inSouthAmerica (Le retour deLorenzo Sanchez, 2008)orinanunnamed no-man's-land (La gare,2005),his novels, written in French, areoften characterized by similartraits: the perplexing experience of exile;the inherently absurdquestfora vanishedidentity ; an individual lostin an incomprehensible, totalitarian societal system reminiscent ofKafka 'sworld; thesymbolism ofchessplayingand its variousstrategies; and thechallenging encounter with literature. Clandestino isanostensibly realistic narrative of victimization andrevenge, setinArgentina during theearly 1980s, thetraumatic period oftheFalklands War. Tomas Sorge,a former lowranking military officer moonlightingas a safecracker, was betrayed by a colleagueand sentencedto sixyearsofhardlaborin a remote penal colonyin Tierradel Fuego. The end of his periodof exilein this"universcarceralsurrealiste," oftencomparedto a brutalSiberianlaborcamp ,roughly coincides withtheend ofthemilitary dictatorship after Argentina's defeatin 1982.Whilehe is stillimprisoned, Sorgeis approached bya shadowy butwell-financed organization that seeks to recruit him forunspecifiedparamilitary activities after his release. SinceSorgehasnothing and no one to go back to,he accepts, eventhough itwillmeanhisofficial "death"and assumption of a new identity, underthe name of Jose Capa. After a longtripto Buenos Aires, andhisgradualreadjustment tolife outside ofprison walls, Sorge/ Capa becomesacquainted withthe manwhoarranged for hisnewlivelihood and who turnsout to be noneother thanthecolleaguewho had betrayed him.Bidinghistime, theex-convict carriesout his new duties, whichcallforusinghisold skillsas a safecracker. Thistimehe is employed bya groupofmilitary officers whoseekto maintain their powerandwealth, evenafter thefall ofthedictatorship. Sorge /Capaalso wantsto honorthedyingwishof a former friend inprison, whohad beenviciously tortured. What couldbea straightforward revenge tragedy withpolitical overtones becomes continually more complexas theformer convict and avid chessplayer - gradually transformed into anexterminating angel - engages ina gameinwhichhislifeand his prospects for anyform ofredemption areat stake.As Sorgetellshisalter ego,Capa: "Etmaintenant que tues devenu Jose, queferas-tu pourcontinuera tesortir indemne de toutce bourbier?" (Nowthat you've become Jose, whatwillyoudo tokeepyourselfcleanofthismuck ?) Clandestino provides, against the backdrop ofsordid intrigue amongcorrupt military officers and governmental officials, a fascinating portrait of a disturbingly isolated individual who, having losthispastand hisidentity, exists onlyinwhatisoften described as an "abstract" sense. Edward Ousselin Western Washington University PatrikOurednik. The Opportune Moment, 1855.Alex Zucker, tr. Champaign , Illinois. Dalkey Archive. 2011.126 pages. $12.95. isbn 978-1-56478-596-1 Patrik Ourednik (b.1957, Prague)is a Czechauthor and translator who since1984haslivedinFrance. Three ofhis novelshave beentranslated into English: Europeana: ABrief History of the Twentieth Century (translated intomorethantwenty languages), CaseClosed, andnowTheOpportune Moment, excellently translated from Czech to Englishby AlexZucker. Thelatter novelwas declared Book oftheYearinItaly bythenewspaper LaStampa in2007. Thenovelhasanintricate structure .It beginswiththe letterof an agingveterinarian, inspired by Utopian andanarchistic ideas,tohis love of fifty yearsago. This part, whichreads more like an essay, outlines a project to builda settlementhosting a freeand fraternal community inBrazilin1855, where people shareeverything and free lovewillreign. Theletter admits that theproject failed, apparently dueto poorexecution. The secondpartcontainsthe logbookof one of the colonists, beginning withthetwo-month passage from FrancetoBrazilbyship. The day-by-day accountconfronts theidealtheory from theletter with the realityof Italian anarchists, Frenchegalitariansand anarchocommunists , Germans,Austrians, Slovaks,and eventheblacksailors asthey try toorganize, share thelimitedresources , and worktogether. Thediarist takesnosides,ironically recording themounting tensions facing the colonists. This partsends whenthey stepontoBrazilian soil. The diaryresumessome six months later.This partreads like 66 1 World Literature Today fourmini-Gospels, wherethesame story istold, repeating themaindifficulties confronting thesettlement andultimately leading toitsdemise, whileaddingnewfacts eachtime. In theend,as we knowwell fromnineteenthand twentiethcentury history, theclashbetween Utopias - be theyanarchist orcommunist - and humannature always endswith similar results. Ifthereaderwonders , Whyremind us ofthis today?, thistimeless novelserves as a satiric warning againstfalseheraldsofa newMessianic Age. Michaela Burilkovova Gainesville ,Florida Cynthia Ozick. Foreign Bodies.Boston .Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2010. 255pages. $26.isbn 978-0-547-43557-2 It wouldbe a mistake to think of Foreign Bodies either as anhomage to Henry James's The Ambassadors oras a resetting ofthenovelintheearly 1950s. Onlythepremise isthesame: an emissary sentto Paristo bring backa young manwhohasbeendallying there toolongandmaywellbe under thethrall ofa woman(James); or underthatofthedecadentOld World(Ozick).In TheAmbassadors, Lambert Strether is dispatched to Parisat therequestof Mrs.Newsome ,a wealthy widowandpotentialwife , tosendhererrant sonChad hometorunthefamily business. In Foreign Bodies, theall-enduring BeatriceNightingale (nee Nachtingall), an Englishteacherin an all-male technical high school,is virtually ordered byheraffluent brother Marvin... 006ab0faaa

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