AI Safety - Safe RL Joint Workshop

This year Safe RL is joining forces with the AISafety workshop. Safe RL and AISafety organising committees have agreed that a more compelling programme will be put forward by merging both workshops. 

The AISafety workshop is a good IJCAI tradition since 2019, providing speakers across an array of topics on AI safety. We refer you to their website for more details on the range of topics and speakers:

The organisation aspects of both workshops remain the same: the same committees are maintained, and the criteria for processing submissions and talks are managed independently by both AISafety and SafeRL, including deadlines for submission, notification and camera-ready (if any).

​The information about common matters, such as the joint program, schedule, and event dates, will be synchronised between the committees and will appear published in both  websites:

In addition to papers being available on the Safe RL website, Safe RL authors now also have an option to publish their paper in the CEUR Workshop proceedings (see Authors who wish to do so should make sure they meet the requirements of CEUR, including the originality of manuscripts, the non-acceptance of double submissions, and the usage of the CEUR format.

Please, in case of questions do not hesitate to contact your respective organizing committee: