Weber Thompson

MicroGarden – A Modular Accessible Breathing Space

Densified cities have been heralded for their potential to reduce pollution through shorter commutes, greater reliance on public transportation and reduced consumption of green space. Apartment living, however, entails a disconnection from land and living things, and as was most apparent during the pandemic, a shortage of private outdoor space. For those apartment dwellers lucky enough to have a balcony or patio, these spaces proved a lifeline during the pandemic. They were a place to breathe fresh air, unencumbered by a mask. This project envisions a modular garden that brings the earth up to the 20th story and overcomes the challenges of balcony gardening – cramped spaces, weight limits, no outdoor plumbing, and a tough microclimate. This modular garden creates a space to breathe, to escape, and to reconnect with the cycles of growth and life.