Wittman Estes

Studio Nebraska

Studio Nebraska is the future home of Wittman Estes. The pandemic catalyzed both our human right to light, air, and nature as well as the significance of having an office space that is flexible and comfortable. In 2020, we moved from our basement studio to a second-floor office space, and more recently, we purchased an infill lot in Georgetown to build our future office.

We are in the design stage, imagining a space that is porous, open, and adaptive and using our models as explorations of programming, structure, composition, and space. Studio Nebraska is a framework with a light touch on the ground and program plugged in specific to the needs of the staff and office. With a palette of CLT wood, steel, and glass, our studio will host nature and planting, providing much needed filtration and greenery in the heart of Georgetown.

The global pandemic has transformed the way we design and work. Studio Nebraska leads the future of the working environment as a new post-pandemic office building and an advocate for healthy, comfortable, and flexible working spaces.