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It is not I who say it, but our century has proven beyond a question,unfortunately, that the full Christian interpretation of the Divineordination concerning those "whom God hath joined together" has, likemany other principles of rigid morality, become for the most partdependant upon that honest, toiling, sterling mass of humanity uponwhich society looks down with a haughty forbearance or condescendingpatronage. When we want a type of genuine manhood, let us leave thelighted hall, where gilded folly revels, let us leave the solemnchamber of science and of art, men have chilled it with the foul andwithering breath of infidelity and materialism, let us leave the busyarena of commerce, men are gloating over gain and gold in their hiddencorners; let us rest with that sturdy, active, middle-class, where themechanic's ingenious conceptions puzzle and captivate the mostlistless observer; let us watch the busy minds and busier fingers ofthose men, so fascinated by their daily toil, that all the worldoutside their own great pursuits has become a power beyond them, whichthey neither flatter, nor defy. If the labour of the right hand be thetouchstone of men's inward morality, then how conclusively my theoryis sanctioned by the black and brawny fingers of the human industry,whose praises I could sing forever; there is no treacherous ambush insuch natures, as I speak of now; no hidden recesses, where the animalman may lay in wait to assault or overcome the spiritual man. Everylurking tendency to evil is easily blighted by that stimulatingactivity which brings moisture to the furrowed brow, which strengthensthe sinewy arm, and stamps its wholesome seal upon the broad andhardened hand! be457b7860

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