
Registrations for SAFAL 2023 to be held at IIT Kanpur on the 8th of December 2023 are now open.

Registration fees are as follows:

For Masters/Undergraduate/PhD students: INR 1000

For PostDoc/Faculty: INR 4000

Please note that the registration fee includes food and accommodation.

The maximum duration of stay is limited to 2 nights (7th and 8th December 2023).

Because this is the first offline edition of SAFAL, we look forward to meeting and interacting with you in person.

Registration is mandatory for everyone attending SAFAL in person (presenters and non-presenting participants). However, if for some reason you cannot come to Kanpur and would like to join online, at least one author must register.

Registrations close on the 30th of November 2023.

Since SAFAL is happening as a satellite event with the Annual Conference of Cognitive Science (ACCS) 2023, you will have to use the ACCS registration link in the manner described below:

Click here if you are attending SAFAL only

Click here if you are attending both SAFAL and ACCS

3. Fill out the following Google Form