
The schedule for SAFAL 2021 can be seen below. The schedule can also be seen at this link.

SAFAL 2021 participants are expected to follow the Berlin Code of Conduct.

~~ Please note ~~

  • Keynotes, talks, posters and the panel discussion will be made on the Zoom video conferencing platform.

  • Registration will be required to attend the Zoom meetings for all sessions. Here is the link to the registration page.

  • Zoom meeting details will be sent to your registered email id.

Instructions for participants attending SAFAL 2021:


  • For the keynote/talk sessions, participants will automatically be muted when they enter the Zoom meeting

  • Use the chat window to ask for clarifications on a slide, etc. Make sure your chat window is visible; this can be done by pressing the chat icon at the bottom of the Zoom application

  • In order to ask a question, use the chat window to send a private message to the session chair; at the end of the talk, the session chair will give you permission to ask your question, please do not enable your mic unless you have been asked to do so

  • Once you are done asking your question, please mute your mic once again

  • Your video will be enabled by default, but you can turn it off in case your network is patchy. In addition, the session host can also request you to disable your video in case of the overall quality of the meeting becomes bad due to increased traffic


  • The 20 minutes slot for a poster presentation will be used to engage in Q&A; it is therefore expected that you have looked at the abstract or the poster before the poster session. The links to the abstracts/posters are in the schedule below.

  • When not engaged in a conversation with the presenter, we request the participants to mute their audio

  • Use the chat window to ask questions to the presenter; the session moderator will give you permission to ask your question. Please do not enable your mic unless you have been asked to do so

  • Once you are done asking your question, please mute your mic once again

  • Your video will be enabled by default, but you can turn it off in case your network is patchy. In addition, the session host can also request you to disable your video in case of the overall quality of the meeting becomes bad due to increased traffic