The College Library offers many readily accessible academic resources to meet students' expectations. An eco-friendly Open Library has been established to promote reading habits in students. The Digital Library and Resource Centre are being widely used for e-reading and innovative research purposes. There are sessions for subscriptions, periodicals and magazines, back volumes etc. The library is equipped with OPAC facility and Reprography services.


 The entire Library collection, over 8000 books, has been classified according to DDC 23rd edition, catalogued as per MARC 21 and is automated with KOHA ILMS Open-source software along with subscriptions to e-journals, periodicals and magazines, back volumes. The books are bar-coded and the digital membership cards are provided to both students and faculties.   .

The library has a ramp access and Screen Reader for differently abled students. A substantial collection of previous exam questions from both internal and university exams are kept at the library. The library can be accessed digitally through remote access OPAC software