Program Committee/Reviewer:

  • PC for: AAAI'22, AAAI'21, TTCS'20

  • Reviewer for: STOC'21, SODA’21, ICALP’20, FOCS’20, SODA’20, STOC’20, ESA’19, SODA’19, EC’18, ESA’18, COCOON’18, ISAAC’18, SOSA’18, SODA’18, STOC’17, SPAA’17, ICALP’17, IPCO’17, SODA’17, CCCG’16, SAGT’15, CCCG’15, ICALP’15, SPAA’15, WWW’15.

Competitive Programming:

  • Member of the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) scientific committee, 2017

  • Member of the scientific committee for ACM-ICPC Regional Contests, 2010 - 2014

  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the Iranian National Olympiads in Informatics, 2010 - 2014

  • Author of tasks: Split (IOI'19), Simorgh (IOI'17), Train (IOI'17)