Lab 9d - IIS Window


To configure a Windows machine to act as a web server

Task: Install the Internet Information Services role (IIS)

Task 1 - Steps

To install web server IIS Go to Windows Server > Server Manager > Local Server >Manage > Add Roles and Features > Web Server IIS

Role Services > check in Security:

Basic Authentication

IP and Domain Restrictions

URL Authentication

Windows Authentication

FTP Server check in

FTP Service

Management Tools check in the following:

IIS 6 Management Compatibility

Management Service

Next > install

Verify IIS installed correctly

On the browser search bar type: http://localhost/

If Windows Server internet Information Services appear then it means our configuration has been successful.

Task: SSL web sites

To enable SSL for this web site by selecting the BINDINGS action on the IIS management panel for your default web site

Server Manager > IIS > Sites > Default Web Sites

Actions (left side – screen) below > Edit Site: Bindings >

Site Bindings window > Add... >

Type: https

Port: 443

SSL certificate: WMSVC-SHA2

Ø OK > close


Test the SSL web site using a browser on search bar type:


Note: ignore the warning saying “This site is not secure” just click on the Go on to the webpage.

Create Self-Signed Certificate

To create your own server certificate, Go to:

IIS server Home management panel > locate Server Certificates

Actions (right site – wizard) > select the Create a Self-Signed Certificate

Specify a friendly name for the certificate: sadiaanwar

Select a certificate store for the new certificate: no personal

Next return to default web site menu > actions Bindings > Edit the existing https binding, and choose the new certificate

Host name:

//careful with the hostname can be viewed under ssl certificate > Veiw > Issued by: note down the address//

SSL certificate: sadiaanwar (new cert self-signed)


On a browser search bar type: the host name address ( It should return the page. Verified.

Task: Virtual hosting

To create a virtual hosting by creating different domains for the same machine Go to

IIS Manager > Sites > On the Sites window Right click > Add new web site

Site name: acon (example)

Physical path: c:\inetpub\wwwroot2

(create new folder called wwwroot2 under inetpub) > ok

Type: http

Post: 80

Host name: (example)


Next Go to C drive to create a new web page under inetpub

This PC > Local Disk (C:) > inetpub > wwwroot2

Right click > new text file > name it Index.html >

Index.html > add content >


On a browser search bar type: Error: Doesn’t work because no URL


URL doesn’t work follow the steps below

This PC > Local Disk (C:) drive > Windows > System32 > drivers > etc > hosts

Open with Notepad >

Add record

Before that check the IP address Ethernet1 ( – example)

In the hosts page at the bottom of add

Save it

And then go to the browser and try again :