Athlete of the Month


Devyn Desjardins


Devyn demonstrated strong golf and rugby skills this season. She qualified for the championship tournament in Golf and she has been a dedicated Rugby player too. She shows up to every practice and is an asset to her team. In both Golf and Rugby, Devyn has been a hardworking and dedicated player who shows leadership both on the field and in the classroom.

Fun Fact: Devyn might be the nicest person ever born. Its true. She genuinely cares about other people.

Quinn Spicer


Quinn Spicer demonstrates the core values of Rugby: integrity, passion, solidarity, discipline, and respect. His knowledgeable experience is an invaluable resource to Sacred Heart’s Rugby team as he helps players improve their skills and develop their passion for the game. His love of Rugby and passion for the game inspires his team to give their all.

Fun Fact: Quinn enjoys long walks on the beach and a nice glass of milk while reading over his class notes.

October 2019

Delaney Cheung


Delaney was a key player this season and a huge part of the team's success this year.

Fun Fact: Delaney was so good for the Rugby team, they almost gave her the athlete of the month for November too!!!

Marco Zapucioiu

Sr. Boys Volleyball

Marco was a very big part of the volleyball team this season and had a "never give up" attitude. His coaches and teammates would praise his hard work and strong effort.

Fun fact: People often call Marco "CO" and he is very polite

November 2019

Isabella Ibarra

Sr. Girls Basketball

Isabella was a leader on the court as she led the team defence with her tenacity and basketball IQ. She always had a smile on the court and in good spirits, even when fouled hard by the opposing team. She pushed the team to be their best on the court and to never give up. She has been an important part of Cru Ball through her high school career and has won 2 YRAA titles in her 4 years here at Sacred Heart.

Fun Fact: Isabella has yet to come get her photo taken.

Brett Newman

Sr. Boys Volleyball

Brett makes the second consecutive athlete of the month award for the Sr. Volleyball team. His intensity on the court and his ability to coach up his teammates is much appreciated. Brett shows patience with others and always has a nice thing to say.

Fun fact: Brett has yet to come get his photo taken.

December 2019

Grace Jean

Jr. Girls Basketball

Grace is a dedicated and important member of the Junior basketball team. Aside from being an amazing spot up shooter, she is a dedicated and respected team member always leading by example. Grace was named MVP of Sacred's first ever CNJC victory

Fun Fact: Grace is most famously known for her role in Christmas Vacation.

Will Forhan

Jr. Boys Basketball

Will Forhan is a hard-working, dedicated student athlete. His prowess both in Basketball and Volleyball strikes fear into, and respect from his opponents. He is the kind of person and team mate any player or coach would want on their team.

Fun Fact: Will left class to get his photo taken yesterday but never showed up to his destination. Mr. Sorochan is still wondering where he is.

January 2020

Katie Newman

Katie Newman is our only female skier competing in the High School Male’s Alpine Ski division. Katie is new to Alpine Racing. At our first race of the season, Katie finished with times on par with the competitive open racers. She had an unexpected wipeout on the course during her second run, which caused her to drop in the standings, but has left her thirsty for more! Next race, our competition better be prepared for our fast & furious Katie Newman!

Fun Fact: Katie is a much better skier than her brother Brett.

Michael Stepanenko


Michael made the cut for OFSAA and in his first year on the team is making waves! He always has time for his teammates and he is everything we want in a CRU athlete!

Fun fact: Michael does not wear glasses although sometimes he wants to.