S. A. Cooke Ph.D.

Biochemistry, Chemistry and Physics

Purchase College SUNY, 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY 10577

I am interested in the interaction between light and matter. Photons with frequencies close to those received by an FM radio are useful for probing the structural landscapes of large molecules. I build and use spectrometers that utilize these frequencies. During the course of studying large molecules I often observe unique, microscopic features pertaining to a molecules structure which I then characterize. The information I obtain is useful in the fields of biochemistry, chemistry, physics and even polymer chemistry.

Google Scholar profile

If you are interested in working in this highly rewarding field please let me know.

My research group has an interest in recording pure rotational spectra from molecules containing either thorium or uranium. We are the only research group in the world doing this. We have recorded many U-dependent and Th-dependent rotational transitions. Please contact me for more information.

The SpecFitter software, presented at the 68th, 69th, and 70th ISMS meeting, is available from this webpage. Several YouTube videos will be forthcoming to explain its use. Here are a few.

Most recently I have developed a spectral imaging laboratory for the chemical and physical investigation of cultural objects.