Prof. (Dr.) Sachi Srivastava

 My Research Interests

Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Abstract Differential Equations, Nonlinear analysis. 

Research gate:

 List of Publications



Supervisor: C.J.K. Batty

Thesis Title: Laplace transforms,non-analytic growth bounds and C0-semigroups

Supervisor: Ajit Iqbal Singh

Thesis Title: Second Dual of a group algebra, First Class with Distinction.

Aggregate marks: 93%

2nd Position in the University in M.A./M.Sc.

Aggregate marks: 92.3%

2nd Position in the University in B.A./B.Sc. (Hons)

 Professional recognition, awards, fellowships, distinctions

 Professional training and research experience

 Association with professional bodies

 Research Supervision

 Supervision of awarded M.Phil. thesis