Sachin Valera

Postdoc @ Center for Quantum and Topological Systems

New York University,  Abu Dhabi


I'm a postdoc at the Center for Quantum and Topological Systems (NYU Abu Dhabi), working under Hisham Sati and Urs Schreiber

Broadly, my research interests lie at the interface between quantum theory and mathematics. I am particularly interested in connections to quantum information and low-dimensional topology. 

sachin [dot] valera [at] nyu [dot] edu


PhD            (November 2016 - August 2021)     University of Bergen, Norway

MMath     (October 2012 - June 2016)             University of Durham, UK


You can find a list of my papers (including drop-down summaries) here.


My doctoral work was supported by an NFR (Norwegian Research Council) fellowship. 

TEACHING (More content here !)

New York University Abu Dhabi

Teaching assistant for CS-UH 3211 (Quantum Computing), spring semester 2024

University of Bergen 

Lecturer for INF241 (Quantum Information and Quantum Computing), spring semester 2021

Lecturer for INF242 (Information Theory), autumn semester 2019.


Quantum Information and Quantum Matter (Conference), NYU Abu Dhabi, UAE (2023)

Bicategories, Categorification and Quantum Theory  (Research School), University of Leeds, UK (2022)

Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, Washington, USA (2022) [Postponed (COVID); to be held virtually instead]

Boolean Functions and Their Applications VI (Workshop), Rosendal, Norway (2020)

Remote Rendezvous for Quantum Topologists (Online Workshop), (2021)

Fusion Categories and Tensor Networks (AIM Online Workshop), [virtual] (2021)

Boolean Functions and Their Applications V (Workshop), Loen, Norway (2020)

Tensor Categories and TQFTs (MSRI Online Workshop), (2020)

Summer Research Program on Quantum Symmetries, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA (2019)

Knots and Braids in Norway (Workshop), NTNU, Trondheim, Norway (2019)

Quantum Computation and Information Workshop, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA (2018)

Geometry, Quantum Topology and Asymptotics (Summer school), Geneva, Switzerland (2018)

Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning (Conference), Verona, Italy (2017)

Reach me at : sachin [dot] valera [at] nyu [dot] edu