Can you pls do us favor and scan the tabel of contents or anyone else that has this granth pld so..............does anyone know id Saucha Saudha in TO has it? How about shrada pooran granth by Mani Singh?

To ignorantly confuse early purataan Gursikhi, or even Sanatana Dharma with "brahmanism" is a mistake. Sanatan teachings in Sikhi reflect the highest and purest truths coming from the greatest saints and bhagats. These were part of the REFORM movement AGAINST brahmanism and were most often Vaishnav Ram-naamis of low caste or mleccha birth, and hence not ritualized "brahmins' by any stretch of Bhasauric imagination. But if you have some Bhasauria mentality to purge, deny, reject and otherwise marginalize the sanatan granths which have always been part of the Sikh Quom, who can stop you? Who can educate you?

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But after you have removed validity from all the historical granths and bani, the traditional sanatan paintings which the Singh Sabhia repression has marginalized so completely that today's average Sikhs are IGNORANT of their existance. Or even official BAN of such granths, as case of Gurbilas which EVEN Sikh Rehit Maryada is derived from these sources, reflects only fear, hypocrisy, anti-Hindu propaganda distortions and stupidity. And that is a rather shoddy and easily toppled caricature of "religion."

Yoga, or mrga (meaning "way" or "path"), in Hinduism is widely classified into four spiritual approaches.[78] The first mrga is Jna Yoga, the way of knowledge. The second mrga is Bhakti Yoga, the way of loving devotion to God. The third mrga is Karma Yoga, the way of works. The fourth mrga is Rja Yoga, the way of contemplation and meditation. These mrgas are part of different schools in Hinduism, and their definition and methods to moksha.[79] For example, the Advaita Vedanta school relies on Jna Yoga in its teachings of moksha.[80] The margas need not lead to all forms of moksha, according to some schools of Hinduism. For example, the Ekasarana dharma denies the sayujya form of mukti, where the complete absorption in God deprives jiva of the sweetness and bliss associated with bhakti. Madhavadeva begins the Namghoxa by declaring his admiration for devotees who do not prefer mukti.[81]

According to Jainism, purification of soul and liberation can be achieved through the path of three jewels:[128][129][130] Samyak darana (Correct View), meaning faith, acceptance of the truth of soul (jva);[131] Samyak jnana (Correct Knowledge), meaning undoubting knowledge of the tattvas;[132] and Samyak charitra (Correct Conduct), meaning behavior consistent with the Five vows.[132] Jain texts often add samyak tap (Correct Asceticism) as a fourth jewel, emphasizing belief in ascetic practices as the means to liberation (moksha).[133] The four jewels are called moksha marg.[129] According to Jain texts, the liberated pure soul (Siddha) goes up to the summit of universe (Siddhashila) and dwells there in eternal bliss.[134] be457b7860

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