Press mentions
(2024) Misinformation might sway elections — but not in the way that you think — Nature
(2024) Tiny number of ‘supersharers’ spread the vast majority of fake news — Science
(2024) 'AI armageddon': Did artificially generated content really sway voters in 2024? — Logically Facts
(2024) Are fears about online misinformation in the US election overblown? — Reuters Institute
(2024) Don’t panic: AI can strengthen democracy too – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
(2024) Elon Musk’s Community Notes Feature on X Is Working — Bloomberg
(2024) Grand Dossier Écrans : les grands décerveleurs ? – Sciences humaines
(2024) Réseaux sociaux : polarisent-ils les opinions ? – Epsiloon
(2024) Social media: The X-odus – Research Professional News
(2024) Why we need to talk less about disinformation – De Correspondent
(2024) Why the ‘Flood of AI Misinformation’ Has Not Materialized as of yet — Dutch daily
(2024) Désinformation: pourquoi donc partage-t-on des fausses informations en ligne ? — De Facto
(2023) Global climate change talks for TikTok generation — POLITICO
(2023) Comment l’IA générative perturbe la couverture médiatique de la guerre Israël-Hamas — Usbek & Rica
(2023) Tech Companies Are Taking Action on AI Election Misinformation. Will it Matter? — TIME
(2023) Generative AI Is Playing a Surprising Role in Israel-Hamas Disinformation — WIRED
(2023) X: How Elon Musk changed Twitter in one year — Deutsche Welle (DW)
(2023) Un effet surestimé des réseaux sociaux lors des élections ? Ce que disent les nouvelles études sur Facebook — De Facto
(2023) Political Polarization Fuels Medical Misinformation — Bloomberg
(2023) What the misinformation scare reveals about faith in democracy — The Washington Post
(2023) Le fact-checking sert-il à quelque chose ? Ce qu’en dit la science — Le Parisien
(2023) Le fact-checking sert-il à quelque chose ? — Le Figaro
(2022) New research highlights the misinformation about misinformation research — PsyPost
(2022) Misinformation: A democratic emergency or a false problem? — Polytechnique insights.
(2021) Les fake news sont le plus souvent produites par intérêt financier" Entretien avec Sacha Altay. — Facts
Presentations & Interventions
Altay, S. & Hoes, E. (2024) Everything You Know About Disinformation is Wrong – DSI Disinformation Month, University of Zürich.
Altay, S. & Hoes, E. (2024) Rethinking misinformation & what(not) to do about it – DSI Media Workshop, University of Zürich.
Altay, S. (2024) The misinformation circus — Podcast Državljan D. 🎙️
Altay, S. (2023) Misinformation, Fake News & Conspiracy — Behind the Stigma. 🎙️
Altay, S. (2023) How effective are interventions against misinformation? — National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 🎥
Altay, S. (2023) Misinformation, intellectual humility, and critical thinking — Connecting Cells. 🎙️
Altay, S. (2022) Misinformation and Social Media (in French) — Papier Crayon. 🎥
Altay, S. (2022) Misinformation and Climate Change. In Over My Head Podcast. 🎙️
Altay, S. (2022) Was The COVID-19 Infodemic Exaggerated?— The Agenda, TVO. 🎥
Altay, S. (2022) Fighting misinformation or fighting for information? Climate Action Against Disinformation (CAAD).
Altay, S. (2022) Misinformation & trust in the news media. KMO. 🎙️
Altay, S. (2022) Interview (in French) on misconceptions about misinformation. Projet Utopia. 🎙️
Altay, S., (2022) Misinformation, the point of view of cognitive psychologists. De facto.
Altay, S., (2022) Live stream on misinformation and distrust. Kairos.
Altay, S., (2022) Webinar on fake news and misinformation. Direction Interministérielle de la Trans formation Publique (DITP). 🎥
Altay, S. (2022) Interview (in French) on misinformation, conspiracy theories, and communication strategies during the pandemic. Un verre avec. 🎙️
Mercier, H & Altay, S. (2021) Hearing on misinformation, social media and democracy. Comission Bronner, for the french government. 🎥
Altay, S. (2021) Interview (in French) on gullibility and misinformation. Cog Sci, Phil & Chill. 🎥
Altay, S. (2021) Round Table: Unlocking Science: Prioritising Institutional Responses to Distrust in Science. International Science Council. Berlin Science Week. 🎥
Altay, S. (2021) Contextualizing misinformation. European Commission. JRC mission on Disinformation.
Altay, S. (2021) Interview with The Dissenter on Social Media, Fake News, Science Communication, and the COVID-19 Pandemic. 🎥
Yesilaltay, S. (2020) COVID-19 & Mésinformation. Talk. Webinar (Le Point).
Yesilaltay, S. (2019) The influence of disgust on human psychology. Talk. Capsule comportementale (DITP).
Berriche, M. & Yesilaltay, S. (2019) La psychologie des fake news. Talk. Audition publique sur l'hésitation vaccinale (Assemblée nationale).
Yesilaltay, S. & Berriche, M. (2019) La psychologie des fake news. Talk. Fête de la science (École Normale Supérieure).
Yesilaltay, S., Fuhrer, J. & Lakhlifi, C. (2019) Le mur des fake news. Qu'est-ce qu'une preuve scientifique? Intervention. Forum des sciences cognitive (Cité des sciences et de l'industrie).
Yesilaltay, S. (2019) « L’ami d’un ami s’est fait tuer par un dauphin ! » . Étude sur la diffusion des rumeurs. Talk & Organization. Colloque des jeunes chercheurs (Fresco).
Yesilaltay, S. & Fitouchi, L. (2019) Les origines évolutionnaire de la raison humaine. Talk. Seminar (École Normale Supérieure).
Yesilaltay, S. & Fitouchi, L. (2018) Expliquer la culture par la théorie de l’évolution : Paris contre la Californie. Talk. Cognivence. (École Normale Supérieure).
Yesilaltay, S. & Marie, A. (2018) Connaître ses biais cognitifs pour mieux recruter. Talk. Phébé.
Lakhlifi, C. & Yesilaltay, S. (2018) Le mur des fake news. Qu'est-ce qu'une preuve scientifique? Intervention. Fête de la science (Université de Strasbourg).
Marie, A. & Yesilaltay, S. (2017) Murmurer à l'oreille de l'éléphant. Qu'est-ce que le raisonnement moral? Talk. Phébé.
Fuhrer, J. & Yesilaltay, S. (2017) Connais toi toi-même avec Darwin. Une approche cognitive et évolutionnaire des sciences de la personnalité. Presentation. Cognivence (École Normale Supérieure).
(Mostly written under my legal name "Yesilaltay")
Simon. F, McBride. K, & Altay, S. AI’s impact on elections is being overblown — MIT Technology Review.
Altay, S. (2024) Disinformation: People aren't as gullible as we think. — Deutsche Welle Akademie.
Altay, S. & Mercier, H. (2022) Against fake news, we need to create "steel men". — Libération
Altay, S., de Araujo, E. & Mercier, H. (2020) “If this account is true, it is most enormously wonderful”. — Imperfect Cognitions
Short review of the article: Altay, S., de Araujo, E. & Mercier, H. (2020) “If this account is true, it is most enormously wonderful”: Interestingness-if-true and the sharing of true and false news.
Berriche, M. & Altay, S. (2020) “Sister I Love You!” Facebook users engage more with social posts than health misinformation. — BMC On Society
Short review of the article: Berriche, M. & Altay, S. (2020) Internet users engage more with phatic posts than with health misinformation on Facebook. Palgrave Communications.
Altay, S. (2020) What’s the recipe? — Cognition and Culture
Book club on: Acerbi, A. (2019). Cultural Evolution in the Digital Age. Oxford University Press.
Yesilaltay, S. (2020) De l'utilité des chamailleries scientifiques. — Phébé
Review of the book: Oreskes, N. (2019). Why Trust Science? Princeton University Press.
Berriche, M. & Yesilaltay, S. (2020) Fact check : Trois infox sur les infox. - The Conversation.
Yesilaltay, S. (2020) Le bruit et la rumeur. — Phébé
Review of the article: Altay, S., Claidière, N. & Mercier, H. (2020) It Happened to a Friend of a Friend: Inaccurate Source Reporting In Rumor Diffusion.
Yesilaltay, S. (2020) Le paradoxe des infox. — Phébé
Review of the article: Altay, S., Hacquin, AS. & Mercier, H. (2019) Why do so Few People Share Fake News? It Hurts Their Reputation.
Yesilaltay, S. (2020) Nous ne sommes pas nés de la dernière pluie ! — Phébé
Review of the book: Mercier, H. (2020). Not born yesterday: The science of who we trust and what we believe. Princeton University Press.
Williams, C. & Yesilaltay, S. (2020) De l’autre côté de la machine. — Science & pseudo-sciences
Short review of the book: Jean, A. (2019). De l’autre côté de la machine Voyage d’une scientifique au pays des algorithmes .
Yesilaltay, S. (2020) Tout ce que vous pensiez savoir d'Internet est (sans doute) faux. — Phébé
Review of the book: Acerbi, A. (2019). Cultural Evolution in the Digital Age. Oxford University Press.
Yesilaltay, S. (2019) Je me souviens, donc je te fais confiance. — Phébé
Review of the article: Mahr, J., & Csibra, G. (2019). Witnessing, remembering and testifying: why the past is special for human beings. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Williams, C. & Yesilaltay, S. (2019) Le cerveau en lumières. — Science & pseudo-sciences
Short review of the book: Hirsch, E. & Poulain, B. (2019). Le cerveau en lumières. Odile Jacob.
Yesilaltay, S. (2019) Pourquoi nous aimons les ours en peluche. — Phébé
Review of the book: Stewart-Williams, S. (2018). The ape that understood the universe: How the mind and culture evolve. Cambridge University Press.
Yesilaltay, S. & Williams, C. (2019) Factfulness. — Science & pseudo-sciences
Short review of the book: Rosling, H. (2019). Factfulness. Flammarion.
Yesilaltay, S. (2019) Les vraies raisons du succès des infox. — Phébé
Review of the article: Acerbi, A. (2019). Cognitive attraction and online misinformation. Palgrave Communications.
Yesilaltay, S. (2019) Qui a peur des chambres d'échos ? — Phébé
Review of the article: Guess, A., Lyons, B., Nyhan, B., & Reifler, J. (2018). Avoiding the echo chamber about echo chambers: Why selective exposure to like-minded political news is less prevalent than you think. Knight Foundation.
Williams, C. & Yesilaltay, S. (2019) Des intelligences TRÈS artificielles. — Science & pseudo-sciences
Short review of the book: Dessalles, J-L. (2019). Des intelligences TRÈS artificielles. Odile Jacob.
Yesilaltay, S. (2019) Jusqu'où sommes-nous prêts à aller pour sauver notre réputation ? — Phébé
Review of the article: Vonasch, A. J., Reynolds, T., Winegard, B. M., & Baumeister, R. F. (2018). Death before dishonor: Incurring costs to protect moral reputation. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9(5), 604-613.
Williams, C. & Yesilaltay, S. (2019) De l’esprit au cerveau. — Science & pseudo-sciences
Short review of the book: Ripoll, T. (2018). De l’esprit au cerveau. Sciences Humaines.
Altay, S. (2019) The Problem with the Way Scientists Study Reason. — Nautilus
Inspired by: Mercier, H., & Sperber, D. (2017). The enigma of reason. Harvard University Press.
Williams, C. & Yesilaltay, S. (2019) Apprendre ! Les talents du cerveau, le défi des machines. — Science & pseudo-sciences
Short review of the book: Dehaene, S. (2018). Apprendre ! Les talents du cerveau, le défi des machines. Odile Jacob.
Yesilaltay, S. (2019) Les enfants, ces scientifiques en puissance. — Phébé
Review of the book: Harris, P. L. (2012). Trusting what you're told: How children learn from others. Harvard University Press.
Yesilaltay, S. (2018) Les OGM, victimes de la nature humaine. — Phébé
Review of the article: Blancke, S., Van Breusegem, F., De Jaeger, G., Braeckman, J., & Van Montagu, M. (2015). Fatal attraction: the intuitive appeal of GMO opposition. Trends in plant science.
Yesilaltay, S. (2018) Souriez, on vous observe ! — Phébé
Review of the article: Crivelli, C., & Fridlund, A. J. (2018). Facial displays are tools for social influence. Trends in cognitive sciences.
Marie, A. & Yesilaltay, S. (2018) De l'importance de la nature pour comprendre la culture. — Phébé
Review of the book: Boyer, P. (2018). Minds Make Societies: How Cognition Explains the World Humans Create. Yale University Press.
Yesilaltay, S. (2018) Pourquoi nous préférons les inégalités. — Phébé
Review of the article: Starmans, C., Sheskin, M., & Bloom, P. (2017). Why people prefer unequal societies. Nature Human Behaviour.
Yesilaltay, S. (2018) Pourquoi le milieu joue sur notre biologie. — Phébé
Review of the article: Pepper, G. V., & Nettle, D. (2017). The behavioural constellation of deprivation: causes and consequences. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Yesilaltay, S. (2018) La méthode Galilée pour convaincre. — Phébé
Review of the article: Claidière, N., Trouche, E., & Mercier, H. (2017). Argumentation and the diffusion of counter-intuitive beliefs. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Marie, A. & Yesilaltay, S. (2017) Les vrais et faux du visage. — Phébé
Review of the book: Todorov, A. (2017). Face value: The irresistible influence of first impressions. Princeton University Press.
Marie, A. & Yesilaltay, S. (2017) Comment les religions sont devenues morales. — Phébé
Review of the article: Baumard, N., & Chevallier, C. (2015). The nature and dynamics of world religions: A life-history approach. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
Yesilaltay, S. & Marie, A. (2017) L'homme n'est pas si crédule qu'on croit. — Phébé
Review of the article: Mercier, H. (2017). How gullible are we? A review of the evidence from psychology and social science. Review of General Psychology.
Yesilaltay, S. (2017) Les découvertes de la science sur la raison. — Phébé
Review of the book: Mercier, H., & Sperber, D. (2017). The enigma of reason. Harvard University Press.
Yesilaltay, S. (2017) Pourquoi avons-nous peur des vaccins ? — Cog Innov
Inspired by: Miton, H., & Mercier, H. (2015). Cognitive Obstacles to Pro-Vaccination Beliefs. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.