ACM SAC 2025
The 40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
Technical Track on
Semantic Technology (ST)
Sicily, Italy
March 31 - April 4, 2025
Hosted by University of Catania
Oct2: Submission deadline extended to Oct 13th.
May 2024: Our track "Semantic Technology (SemT)" has been accepted for SAC 2025, advancing the semantic technology, on not only Web but also in every domain in computing areas.
About the Track
The technical track "Semantic Technology (SemT or SEMT)" focuses on the topics related to Semantic Technologies and their Applications using artificial intelligence. The semantic technologies range from semantic web technologies to more advanced techniques to understand natural language using machine learning and artificial intelligence.
The focus of this track is to present research concerning issues such as: 1) learning/constructing ontologies for Semantic Technology; 2) utilizing ontologies and artificial intelligence for data management, integration and interoperability in Semantic applications; 3) architectures for achieving Semantic Technology for specific application domains; and 4) improving search techniques (or engines) with Semantic Technologies.
This track aims to tackle research problems and practical applications for the Semantic Technology. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers on the theoretical, technical, and practical issues of Semantic Technology and its Applications. We are particularly interested in applying Semantic Technology to specific application domains (e.g., e-learning, e-business, social network, geographic information system, medical informatics, and bioinformatics).