ACM SAC 2021

Track on the Semantic Web and Applications

Kwangju, Korea (Mar 22-29, 2021)

Call for Papers

Call for Papers

The technical track "The Semantic Web and Applications (SWA)" focuses on the topics related to Semantic Web Technologies and their Applications. The techniques to realize and/or utilize the Semantic Web are discussed in this track.

The focus of this track is to present research concerning issues such as: 1) learning/constructing ontologies for Semantic Web applications; 2) utilizing ontologies for data management, integration and interoperability in Semantic web applications; 3) architectures for achieving Semantic Web goals for specific application domains; and 4) improving search techniques (or engines) with Semantic Web technologies.

This track aims to tackle research problems and practical applications for the Semantic Web. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers on the theoretical, technical and practical issues of Semantic Web and its Applications. We are particularly interested in applying Semantic Web technologies to specific application domains (e.g., e-learning, e-business, social network, geographic information system, medical informatics and bioinformatics).

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Semantic interoperability

  • Ontology-enabled interoperability among e-sources

  • Emergent semantics

  • Ontology, Taxonomy, and Folksonomy

  • Schema mapping/matching and integration

  • Learning structures from the Web for Semantic Web-enabled applications

  • Ontology generation/learning

  • Building/utilizing ontologies and knowledge bases

  • Semantics and ontologies in data integration

  • Ontology-enabled search (engines)

  • Semantic Web-enabled search (engines)

  • Semantic web-enabled question answering system

  • Ontology-enabled information retrieval

  • Semantic Web-enabled information retrieval

  • Semantic Web-enabled Information extraction

  • Full-text search in XML and/or Semantic Web documents

  • RDF

  • Data management and integration for Semantic Web-enabled applications

  • Semantic annotation

  • Semantic Web personalization

  • Semantic Web-enabled user modelling

  • Semantic Web services

  • Reasoning

  • Querying the Semantic Web

  • Semantic Web mining

  • Question Answering over the Semantic Web

  • Text mining for Semantic Web-enabled application

  • Natural language processing for Semantic Web-enabled application

  • Semantic Social Network

  • Semantic Social Informatics

  • Recommendations via Semantic Technologies

  • Semantic Technologies

  • Semantic Knowledge Discovery

  • Visual Analytics with Semantics

  • Data Analytics with Semantics

  • Semantics and information retrieval with deep learning

  • Semantic Web applications with deep learning

  • Semantic aspects in Privacy and Security of Semantic Web Applications

  • Semantic aspects in Social Network

  • Semantic aspects in Geographic Information System

  • Geospatial semantics and the Semantic Web

  • Deep learning (or neural network) on semantics

  • Deep learning (or neural network) neural network on NLP

  • Applying Semantic Web technologies to e-learning, e-business, social network, geographic information system, medical informatics, bioinformatics, and legal domains


  • Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the paper/poster in the conference proceedings.

  • An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for the paper/poster to be included in the ACM digital library.

  • No-show of registered papers and posters will result in excluding them from the ACM digital library.