
Invited Talks

From data-driven to physics-driven AI for space weather forecasting, Dolomites Research Week on Approximation and Applications (DRWAA), San Vito di Cadore (Italy), September 2023

Score-oriented losses and value-weighted skill scores to face class-imbalance in solar flare forecasting, American Geophysical Union (AGU23), San Francisco (US), on-line, December 2023

Forecasting space weather drivers and geomagnetic events via physics-based machine learning, 4th URSI AT-RASC, Gran Canaria, May 2024

Tackling solar flare prediction with machine learning, 4th URSI AT-RASC, Gran Canaria, May 2024

Highlights on artificial intelligence in space weather for solar flare forecasting, SWICO seminar, May 15th, 2023

Prediction of severe thunderstorm events as a warning machine with deep learning and radar data, in mynisimposia "High-Fidelity and Data-Driven Methods for Multiscale and Multi-Physics Problems" CSE2023-SIAM – Computational Science and Engineering, Amsterdam (Netherlands), February 2023

Some key points in machine/deep learning in solar flare forecasting, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche G.L. Lagrange, Politecnico di Torino, February 2023

Artificial intelligence for predicting solar flares, Giornata nazionale dello Spazio 2022, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Genova, 16th December, 2022.

Machine-deep learning in solar flare forecasting, SWATNET Workshop 3 as invited speaker, September 2022.

A new approach to the desaturation problem of SDO/AIA images by means of a Poisson reweighted l1-penalized method, AIP (Applied Inverse Problems) Conference at Grenoble (France), July 2019.

Poisson imaging reconstruction by means of a consistent adaptive regularization method promoting sparsity, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science at Bologna (Italy),  June 2018.


Physics-aware machine learning models for explainable solar flare forecasting, 19th European Space Weather Week (ESWW23), Toulouse (France), November 2023

The path from scientific to operational flare forecasting: a deep learning approach, EGU23, Vienna (Austria),  April 2023.

Probabilistic ensemble learning for flare forecasting and value-weighted assessment, 18th European Space Weather Week at Zagabria (Croatia), October 2022.

A video-based CNN for flare forecasting, The Solar Physics High Energy Research workshop (SPHERE) at Windisch (Switzerland), July 2022.

An adaptive l1-penalized method based on an approximation of the Kullback Leibler divergence with application to the restoration problem of solar images corrupted by Poisson noise and affected by saturation and diffraction effects, Virtual Inverse Days 2020, December 2020.

Restoration of solar images affected by diffraction and saturation effects via a sparsity- enhancing method with application to SDO/AIA images, 2nd IMA Conference on Inverse Problems From Theory to Application at London (UK), September 2019.

Desaturation of SDO/AIA images of solar flaring storms, 18-th RHESSI Workshop at Minneapolis (USA), May 2019.

A consistent and numerically efficient method for large scale Poisson inverse problems, IMA Conference on Inverse Problems From Theory to Application at Cambridge (UK),  September 2017.

Poster Session  

Machine and deep learning in solar flare forecasting, 16th European Solar Physics Meeting, September 2021.

Specialization Courses

1st Artificial Intelligence Data Analysis (AIDA) School for Heliophysicists at  CINECA, Bologna, January 2020.

"Optimization techniques for imaging" course during the Master school of Computational methods for Inverse Problems in Imaging organized by INdAM at Università degli Studi dell’Insubria in Como, June 2018.

"Mathematics of machine learning" course at Università degli Studi di Genova, June 2018.

Summer school of Applied Harmonic Analysis with three mini courses on Signal Analysis and Big Data at Università degli Studi di Genova,  July 2017.

"Convex Optimization" course at Università degli Studi di Genova, January 2017.