Emeritus Professor Philip Sabin's Academic Publications
What Strategic Wargaming Can Teach Us, GIDS Statement 5/21 (Hamburg: German Institute for Defence Studies, 2021), posted here
Simulating War: Studying Conflict through Simulation Games (London: Continuum, 2012)
Lost Battles: Reconstructing the Great Clashes of the Ancient World, (London: Hambledon Continuum, 2007)
The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare, 2 vols. (edited with Hans van Wees & Michael Whitby; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007) This work received the 2009 Distinguished Reference Book Award from the Society for Military History in the USA.
The Second Punic War: A Reappraisal (edited with Tim Cornell and Boris Rankov; London: Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 67, 1996)
British Defence Choices for the 21st Century (edited with Michael Clarke; London: Brassey’s, 1993)
Non-Conventional Weapons Proliferation in the Middle East (edited with Efraim Karsh and Martin Navias; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993)
Les Voies du Changement: La Politique de Defense Britannique pour les Annees 90, Cahier de CREST 3 (Paris: CREST, 1991)
British Strategic Priorities in the 1990s, Adelphi Paper 254, (London: IISS, 1990)
Sources for the Study of British Nuclear Weapons History (with Ian Clark; Maryland: CISSM Occasional Paper for the Nuclear History Program, 1989)
The Future of UK Air Power (editor; London: Brassey’s, 1988)
Shadow or Substance? Perceptions and Symbolism in Nuclear Force Planning, Adelphi Paper 222, (London: IISS, 1987)
The Third World War Scare in Britain: a critical analysis (London: Macmillan, 1986)
'Airpower in British Popular Culture', RUSI Journal, 163/1, September 2018
(with John Curry, Dana Ruggiero & Michael Young), ‘Modelling the Outcomes of International Crises using Confrontation Analysis’, Simulation & Gaming, 48/3, Jun 2017
'Wargaming in Higher Education: Contribution and Challenges', Arts & Humanities in Higher Education, 14/4, Oct 2015
(With John Curry & Tim Price), ‘Commercial Off-the-shelf Technology in UK Military Training’, Simulation & Gaming, 46/2, June 2015
'UK Aerospace Power in Future Force 2020', in the Royal Air Force Air Power Review, 18/1, Spring 2015
'Air Power's Second Century: Growing Dominance or Faded Glory?', Journal of the JAPCC, 15, Spring 2012
‘The Benefits and Limits of Computerisation in Conflict Simulation’, Literary & Linguistic Computing, 26/3, September 2011
‘The Current and Future Utility of Air and Space Power’, Royal Air Force Air Power Review 13/3, 2010
'Simulation Techniques in the Modelling of Past Conflicts', in Japanese translation in the Journal of Strategic Studies, 8, 2010
‘The Future of UK Air Power’, RUSI Journal, 154/5, October 2009
‘Ancient Military Wisdom and the Forgotten Context of Pre-Gunpowder Battle’, Mars & Clio 19, 2007
'Using History to Understand Contemporary Conflicts', History Teaching Review Year Book, 20, 2006
‘Perspectives from Within the Profession’, Royal Air Force Air Power Review 8/4, 2005
'The Changing Face of Conflict', in Japanese translation in Senshi Kenkyu Nenpo, 6, 2003
'The Face of Roman Battle', Journal of Roman Studies 90, 2000
‘The Shape of Future War: Are traditional weapons platforms becoming obsolete?’, Royal Air Force Air Power Review, 1/1, Summer 1998
‘Modern Air Power Theory - Some Neglected Issues’, The Hawk Journal, 1994
‘Britain’s New Defence Planning Framework’, Centre for Defence Studies Briefing Paper, October 1993, republished in the Brassey’s Defence Yearbook, 1994
‘British Defence Choices beyond “Options for Change”’, International Affairs, April 1993
‘British Defence: Taking the Easy Options’, Defence and Security Review, 1992
‘After the Cold War: Structuring European Security’, American Currents, May 1991
‘Options for Change: The UK Defence Review, 1990-91’, ISIS Briefing No.21, June 1991
‘The Elusive Peace Dividend’, European Security Analyst, August 1990
‘Whither the RAF?’, RUSI Journal, June 1990
‘Escalation in the Iran-Iraq War’, Survival, May/June 1989
‘Assessing a Peace Offensive: the impact of Gorbachev on British Public Opinion’, RUSI & Brasseys Defence Yearbook, 1988
‘Defence and Arms Control in 1987’, in The Annual Register, 1987 (London: Longman, 1988)
‘Defence and Arms Control in 1986’, in The Annual Register, 1986 (London: Longman, 1987)
‘Proposals and Propaganda: Arms Control and British Public Opinion in the 1980s’, International Affairs, Winter 1986/87
‘Should INF and START be merged? A historical perspective’, International Affairs, Summer 1984
‘World War Three: a historical mirage?’, Futures, August 1983
'Games about War in the Romance-speaking World', a keynote address at the University of Mannheim Workshop on 'War, Memory and Games in the Romance-Speaking World', July 2022, posted here
'Is the Success of the Western Approaches Tactical Unit relevant for Wargaming Today?', a keynote lecture at the Connections Wargaming Conference, August 2020, posted here
'Air Power in Asymmetric Warfare', in Irregular Warfare in Historical Perspectives (Tokyo: NIDS International Forum on War History Proceedings, 2018)
'Air Power, Media and Popular Culture', in John Olsen (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Air Power (London: Routledge, 2018)
'Wargames as an Academic Instrument', in Pat Harrigan and Matthew Kirschenbaum (eds.) Zones of Control: Gaming War on Tabletop and Screen (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2016)
‘The Strategic Impact of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’, in Owen Barnes (ed.), Air Power – UAVs: The Wider Context, (London: Ministry of Defence, 2009)
‘Why the Allies Won the Air War, 1939-1945’, in Claus-Christian Szejnmann (ed.), Rethinking History, Dictatorship and War, (London: Continuum, 2009)
'Land Battles', in Philip Sabin, Hans van Wees & Michael Whitby (eds.), The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare, vol.1, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007)
‘Technology, Culture and Military Effectiveness in the First Century of Air Power’, in Japanese translation in Japan and the Future of Air Power: A Historical Perspective, (Tokyo: National Institute for Defence Studies, 2006).
‘Playing at War: The Modern Hobby of Wargaming’, in Tim Cornell & Thomas Allen (eds.), War and Games, (Woodbridge: Boydell for CIROSS, 2002)
'Western Strategy in the New Era: The Apotheosis of Air Power?', in Andrew Dorman, Mike Smith & Matt Uttley (eds.), The Changing Face of Military Power, (London: Palgrave, 2001)
'Air Strategy and the Underdog', in Peter Gray (ed.), Air Power 21: Challenges for the New Century, (London: The Stationery Office, 2000)
‘Change and Continuity in the Character of Conflict’, in Maria Arblom (ed.), The Character of Future Armed Conflicts, FOA Symposium report, (Stockholm, FOA, 1998), and also as ‘Continuidad y Cambio en el Conflicto Contemporaneo’, in Disuasion y Estrategia en un Contexto de Globalizacion, Cuaderno de Difusion 1/1, (Santiago: Academia de Guerra, 1998)
‘Balancing Defence and Intervention’, a Memorandum in the House of Commons Defence Committee report on The Strategic Defence Review, HC 138-III, (London: The Stationery Office, 1998)
Several contributions to The Strategic Defence Review: How Strategic? How Much of a Review?, London Defence Study 46, (London: Brassey’s for the Centre for Defence Studies, 1998)
‘Air Power in Joint Warfare’, in Stuart Peach (ed.), Perspectives on Air Power (London: The Stationery Office, 1998)
‘British Defence Choices in the 1990s’, in Andrew Morton (ed.), Security, Solidarity and Peacemaking (Centre for Theology & Public Issues, Occasional Paper 36, University of Edinburgh, 1996)
‘Britain in Europe: Defence and Security Aspects’, in Paul Gillespie (ed.), Britain’s European Question: The Issues for Ireland, Vol 2: Seminar Papers, (Dublin: Institute of European Affairs, 1996)
‘The Counter-Air Contest’, ‘Peace Support Operations - A Strategic Perspective’, and ‘The Counter-Air Mission in Peace Support Operations’, all in Andrew Lambert & Arthur Williamson (eds.), The Dynamics of Air Power (Bracknell: RAF Staff College, 1996)
‘The Mechanics of Battle in the Second Punic War’, in Tim Cornell, Boris Rankov & Philip Sabin (eds.), The Second Punic War: A Reappraisal (London: Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 67, 1996)
‘Commentary on Mr Rifkind’s speech on Defence Capabilities’, in The Framework of United Kingdom Defence Policy, London Defence Studies 30/31, (London: Brassey’s for the Centre for Defence Studies, 1995)
‘The Shifting Trade-Offs in UK Defence Planning’, in Clarke & Sabin (eds.), British Defence Choices for the Twenty-First Century (London: Brassey’s, 1993)
‘Restraints on Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Use: Some Lessons from History’, in Efraim Karsh, Martin Navias & Philip Sabin (eds.), Non-Conventional Weapons Proliferation in the Middle East (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993)
‘Athens, The United States and Democratic “Characteristics” in Foreign Policy’, in Richard Ned Lebow & Barry Strauss (eds.), Hegemonic Rivalry from Thucydides to the Nuclear Age, (Oxford: Westview, 1991)
‘British Perceptions of the USA and USSR: The Limits of Comparative Opinion Polls’, in Hans Rattinger & Don Munton (eds.), Debating National Security: The Public Dimension, (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1991)
‘Implications hors zone’, in Desarmament Conventionnel et Securite en Europe (Paris: Fondation pour les Etudes de Defense Nationale, 1990)
‘Society, State and Defence’, with Marisol Touraine, in Francoise de la Serre, Jacques Leruez & Helen Wallace (eds.), French and British Foreign Policies in Transition (Oxford: Berg for CERI & RIIA, 1990). This volume was also published in a French edition.
‘Escalation in the Iran-Iraq War’, in Efraim Karsh (ed.), The Iran-Iraq War: Impact and Implications (London: Macmillan, 1989)
‘Some Further Thoughts on Air Transport and Maritime Air Power’, in Philip Sabin (ed.), The Future of UK Air Power (London: Brassey’s, 1988)
‘Reassurance, Consensus and Controversy: the domestic dilemmas of European defence’, in Stephen Flanagan & Fen Hampson (eds.), Securing Europe’s Future (London: Croom Helm, 1986)