Putting U in secure

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Chief Security Officer

The Officer that leads Gruppe 6 as a whole and ensures any contractual requirements of Gruppe 6 are fulfilled and enabling the corporation to carry out their services

Jack Melnikov

Assistant Chief Security Officer

Liaise between Gruppe 6, Police, and other government branches when the Chief Security Officer is unavailable. Furthermore, they will assist the Chief Security Officer and Principal Security Officers in decision-making processes and ensuring all duties of Gruppe 6 are handled appropriately.

James Johnson

Mason Edge

Principal Security Officer

These Officers will assist with the implementation and management of various Gruppe 6 training programs along with other responsibilities. Each Principal Security Officer is in charge of leading a branch within Gruppe 6.

Head of Protection

Hanz Kozlov

Head of Training & Development

Jessie Bennett

Head of Transport

Lincoln Matthew

Senior Security Officer

Trustworthy employees of Gruppe 6 who have proven themselves through hard work and dedication

Security Officer

The Security Officer is the backbone of Gruppe 6 and most employees hold this rank. Expected to respond to and handle most incidents to a satisfactory standard

Probationary Security Officer

The base entry rank for successful applicants. During probation these Officers are required to complete additional training and shadow other Officers to develop the necessary skills and experience to become a security officer.