The Compassion Movement in San Antonio, Texas. See the latest                                   

Learn what is growing in our city and continue that goodness  Compassionate San Antonio | Compassion Lives Here!    

Read about the global movement of Compassionate Integrity Training.  CIT is a resiliency-informed program that cultivates human values as skills, so we can  thrive as individuals, and a society, within a healthy environment.  By learning skills to calm our bodies and mind, becoming more emotionally aware, learning to practice compassion for ourselves and others, as well as engaging with compassion in complex systems, we can build towards compassionate integrity: the ability to live one’s life in accordance with one’s values with a recognition of common humanity, our basic orientation to kindness and reciprocity. 

The course will include large and small group discussions, experiential learning activities, reflective writing activities, mindful dialogues, and contemplative practices.  This is an opportunity to be part of a global community of like-minded individuals who want to learn more about self-cultivation, relating to others, and engaging in systems.

CIT has been used to train self-compassion, compassion for others, and building compassionate systems to community leaders, peace builders, individuals who are currently incarcerated, and youth considered at-risk, and in shelters for individuals experiencing homelessness and issues with substance abuse. Compassionate San Antonio and Compassionate Atlanta have been at the forefront of implementing CIT and having their leaders become Level 1 Facilitators. 

One may join for enrichement of to receive a CIT certificate, you  must  register, actively participate attending at least  8 of 10 classes. (With approval from facilitators, a missed class can be made up through the Self-Directed Learning). 

This was past registration and information if you would like to see a little of the history of this. and scroll down.  If you have questions, feel free to write    

Additional Compassion Opportunity:  Once you have completed  CIT certification  through this 10-week course,  we invite you to continue in one-hour monthly meetings for a year to more deeply integrate the experience and help sow seeds of compassion throughout San Antonio! Be a part of the San Antonio Compassion Institute   Compassionate San Antonio | Compassion Lives Here!  

Read more about Compassionate Integrity Training   

This will be led by certified Compassionate Integrity Training facilitators. Learn of them

SYLLABUS,  ZOOM   Participants need their own copy of the  Compassionate Integrity Training Manual.  Please read content about a specific skill prior to that class. Read the Manual online or order a copy  


Skill 1: Calming Body and Mind (pgs.32-36)  

Skill 2: Ethical Mindfulness (pgs.37-42)

Skill 3: Emotional Awareness (pgs. 43-47)

Skill 4: Self-Compassion (pgs. 48-53)


Skill 5: Impartiality and Common  Humanity (pgs. 78-83)          

Skill 6: Forgiveness and Gratitude (pgs. 84-90)

Skill 7: Empathic Concern (pgs. 92-96)

Skill 8: Compassion (pgs. 97-100)


Skill 9: Appreciating Interdependence (pgs. 130-133)                                          

Skill 10: Engaging with Discernment  (pgs. 134-141)  

If you would like information on the confirmed starting date and how to register, please write or call 210-883-5934. 

If you are a University of the Incarnate Word student and would like to integrate Compassionate Integrity Training with the Service Learning required for UIW graduation, contact    

Read of how the Compassion movement in San Antonio  started  as a class project at the University of the Incarnate Word on  November 12, 2009 and continued to become a significant influence in our city .  On that day the Charter was inaugurated and 150,000 people from over 180 countries participated in various celebratory activities in places of worship, public spaces, schools, universities, and workplaces.  Local people of San Antonio, especially those of the SA peaceCENTER encouraged people to build the ethic of reciprocity, to be more compassionate.  Then the City Council adopted this Resolution to be a "City of Compassion" in 2017.  See the SA Community Resource Directory as a way compassionately connecting services and needs.  

Each of us can sow seeds. They may grow beyond our imaginations. 

A student and a Buddhist monk sign the Charter of Compassion, November 12, 2009, at the University of the Incarnate Word after watching the Global Inauguration online.  

University of the Incarnate Word students and speakers from the Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim communities who had been joined by others from Hindu and Sikh communities. 

Go to the "Stories" tab to see more pictures of the UIW Student Service Learning Project in 2009 and to read the story that appeared in the Logos, the student newspaper.  Learn of what is developing now with citizens of San Antonio and students in current challenges,  "STORIES OF TRUTH AND TRANSFORMATION: Compassion, Civic Engagement, Teaching Social Justice."