RIDI 2024

April 11 and 12, 2024

Utrecht, the Netherlands

The second European Workshop on 

Research for Impact in Digital Innovation


The second European workshop on Research for Impact in Digital Innovation (RIDI 2024) aims to bring together practitioners and researchers who are working in the area of digital innovation. 

Topics like Digital Transformation and Business Model Innovation are currently driving initiatives in industry; not only to introduce new technologies but also to gain significant business benefits. Hence, technology is not just seen as a means on its own but as one factor among others. Each digitally innovative project needs to incorporate the context of an organisation (market, customer segments) as well as its organisation and staff members. Challenges during such an endeavour are manifold. As a result, there is also an increased need in practice for more explicit guidance in terms of lessons learned, methods, approaches, principles, and design concepts.

Developing, and operationalizing, such explicit guidance entails demand-driven research and education, requiring synergies between applied research and practice. It also sparks a need for effective research methods that balance real world needs and contexts with scientific rigour. 

In line with this, the workshop aims to provide a platform for individuals contributing to the development of explicit guidance for digital innovation by using research methods. This includes practitioners and academics, including researchers within the context of technical and applied sciences. The platform fosters exchange by discussing success stories and experiences from the field together with methodological approaches. It, furthermore, represents a trigger for shaping a research agenda together with corresponding methods in order to enable research in practice.


The workshop specifically addresses “researchers in practice” from various areas, including (but not limited to): computer science, business informatics, business information systems and enterprise architecture. Example topics are:


HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, NL

Located at the heart of Netherlands, lies the town of Utrecht which is one of the most innovative regions of Europe and has a buzzing social life. The workshop will take place at the HU University of Applied Sciences on the Utrecht Science Part.