
Published or Accepted Papers

Working Papers

The More Illiquid, The More Expensive: The Reversal of the Liquidity Premium in Corporate Bonds
with Jaewon Choi, Jungsuk Han, and Ji Hee Yoon

Extrapolative Belief and Credit Bubbles: A Demand-Based Approach
with Jaewon Choi and Byounghyun Jeon

A Search-Based Theory of the Reversal of the Liquidity Premium Puzzle
with Jaewon Choi, Jungsuk Han, and Ji Hee Yoon

Work in Progress

Bond ETFs with Yuet Chau and Don Noh

Catering investor attention with Nikolas Breitkopf and Yuekun Liu

Ethical consumer? with Jūra Liaukonytė and Alminas Žaldokas

Liquidity biases in corporate bonds

Liquidity risk management with Jaewon Choi and Bige Kahraman 

Mutual funds and ETFs  with Yu-sung Ha and Byoung Uk Kang

Retail noise traders: myths and facts with Xicheng Li and Don Noh

"Wall Street Walk": demand-based approach with Byounghyun Jeon