Shingo Nozaki (野﨑 信吾)


Affiliation惑星系形成進化学分野(affiliated laboratory), Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
    Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University 2nd year Master's student

Email:nozaki.shingo.307[att] ([att]→@) 


PublicationsPublications and Activities, ADS

Research of My Interest
I am interested in the effects of dense matter outside a prestellar core on protostar mass growth. So I study star formation from the clump scale to the core scale by using MHD numerical simulation. I also study the evolution of a molecular cloud by using Nobeyama Radio Observatory because I would like to drive research on the prestellar core formation and its evolution on both theoretical and observational aspects. 

Keywords for My Study

Star Formation, MHD simulation, prestellar core, outflow, hub-filament, molecular cloud

Copyright ©︎ 2022- Shingo Nozaki