Lab News

Student Research Project in the News

February 2, 2024

Genomics Milestone at LSSU! 

Biology Major Tailey McCloskey achieves LSSU's first entirely in-house genome assembly under Dr. Kolomyjec's mentorship. The complete mitochondrial genome of Corvomeyenia everetti is now on GenBank:

Driven by collaboration and innovation, LSSU continues to excel in biology research!

SooLeader (Local Paper):

WCMU (Michigan Public Radio):

Open House for µXRF

February 2, 2024

The Micro Analysis and Spectroscopic Characterization (MASC) Lab will host an open house on Friday February 2, from 12-4pm in Crawford Hall Room 105.   We will be highlighting and demonstrating our recently installed Bruker M4 Tornado Plus micro x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (uXRF), as well as the JEOL scanning electron microscope (SEM).  The micro XRF enhances our capability to image the location of elements and heavy metals in biological tissues, engineered materials, forensic specimens, and geologic materials.  The SEM allows high resolution imaging with magnifications up to 300,000x. This event is open to the public - pizza and refreshments will be provided.

MASC Lab & Sponge Project Featured by JEOL USA

January 26, 2024

At Lake Superior State University, the school's extensive environmental studies are revealing much about microfibers and heavy metals found in cannabis plants, while the state of Michigan is getting an updated survey of the tremendous diversity of freshwater sponges found in the watersheds. Two professors and their students are conducting their research with the Scanning Electron Microscope just added to their Micro Analysis and Spectroscopic Characterization Lab.

Open House for SEM

September 15, 2023

Drs. Kolomyjec and Wright hosted an open house to demonstrate the newly installed Scanning Electron Microscope to the campus community. The event was attended by over 150 students, staff, and faculty. Undergraduate students were encouraged to get hands on exposure to using the new instrument.

NSF Funding for a µXRF

August, 2023

Dr. Kolomyjec was the CO-PI on a successfully National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation grant. 

Major Project: Tissue level localization of elements in freshwater sponges 

Sponge group goes to Europe

October, 2022

Undergraduate research students Mallory McNulty and Eric Somsky accompanied Dr. Kolomyjec to the 11th World Sponge Conference in Leiden, Netherlands. Dr. Kolomyjec and Mallory presented.

Presentations: S Kolomyjec (pdf) 

NSF Funding for an SEM

August, 2022

Dr. Kolomyjec was the PI on a successfully National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation grant. 

Major Project: Morphological characterization of spicules in Michigan’s freshwater sponges

2022 Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting

May, 2022

Undergraduate research student Mallory McNulty accompanied Dr. Kolomyjec to the 2022 Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Dr. Kolomyjec gave an oral presentation and undergraduate research student Mallory McNulty presented a poster.

Presentations: Kolomyjec (pdf) (recorded

Huron Mountain Club Expidition

July 10-18, 2021

Undergraduate research students Mallory McNulty and Eric Somsky accompanied Dr. Kolomyjec on a sponsored trip to the Huron Mountain Club. While there the team spent 8 days surveying the club waterways for freshwater sponges. Sponsored by the Huron Mountain Wildlife Foundation.

Research Products: Report (pdf) | Presentation (pdf)

Electrofishing training

August 24, 2020

A representative of Trout Unlimited came up to LSSU from Lansing to lend Dr. Kolomyjec's research group an electrofishing backpack and provide in field  training on its safe and effective use. 

New Research Gear - Underwater ROV

August 6, 2020

An underwater remote operated vehicle (ROV) was purchased to scout for and observe freshwater sponges in their natural habitat. A gripper arm for sample collection for the ROV is also on order.