Sebastian Garcia-Torres
I am a graduate student in economics at Freie Universität Berlin. I currently work as a research assistant at the Economics Department of the John.-F.-Kennedy Institute for North American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin.
My research interests are in political economy, economic history and gender economics.
Feel free to contact me via email :)
Current news:
November, 2024: New column for VoxEU on "Women's political representation matters: Evidence from school closures during the pandemic".
October, 2024: "Women in Political Power and School Closure during COVID Times" (with N. Danzer, M. Steinhardt and L. Stella) published at Economic Policy.
September, 2024: Member of the 2024-2025 cohort of the Deutschlandsstipendium scholarship at Freie Universität Berlin
December, 2023: DAAD Prize for Outstanding Foreign Student 2023 [read more] [read interview]
Research interests:
Political Economy, Gender Economics, Economic History, Labor Economics