Motion Sensing

Smart Insole 

Estimating ground reaction forces during walking using a limited number of force sensors with machine learning

Ryo Eguchi and Masaki Takahashi. Estimation of Three-Dimensional Ground Reaction Forces During Walking and Turning Using Insole Pressure Sensors Based on Gait Pattern Recognition. IEEE Sensors Journal  (presented at IEEE FLEPS2024, invited by "Journal-Conference Synergy" initiative of IEEE Sensors Council), 23(24):31278-31286, 2023. [URL]

Ryo Eguchi, Ayanori Yorozu, Takahiko Fukumoto, and Masaki Takahashi. Estimation of Vertical Ground Reaction Force Using Low-Cost Insole With Force Plate-Free Learning From Single Leg Stance and Walking. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 24(5):1276–1283, 2020.  [URL]

Ryo Eguchi and Masaki Takahashi. Insole-Based Estimation of Vertical Ground Reaction Force Using One-Step Learning With Probabilistic Regression and Data Augmentation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 27(6):1217–1225, 2019. [URL]

Ryo Eguchi and Masaki Takahashi. Accessible Calibration of Insole Force Sensors Using the Wii Balance Board for Kinetic Gait Analysis. 2018 IEEE SENSORS, 1–4, 2018. [URL]

Ryo Eguchi and Masaki Takahashi. Validity of the Nintendo Wii Balance Board for Kinetic Gait Analysis. Applied Sciences, 8(2):285, 2018. [URL]

Ryo Eguchi, Ayanori Yorozu, and Masaki Takahashi. Accessible Ground Reaction Force Estimation Using Insole Force Sensors without Force Plates. 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 2861–2865, 2017. [URL]

Ryo Eguchi, Ayanori Yorozu, Takahiko Fukumoto, and Masaki Takahashi. Ground Reaction Force Estimation Using Insole Plantar Pressure Measurement System from Single-Leg Standing. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), 109–113, 2016. [URL]

Smart Brace

Estimating joint angle adaptively to brace shift using stretchable strain sensors with probabilistic machine learning 

Ryo Eguchi, Brendan Michael, Matthew Howard, and Masaki Takahashi. Shift-Adaptive Estimation of Joint Angle Using Instrumented Brace With Two Stretch Sensors Based on Gaussian Mixture Models. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (presented at IROS2020), 5(4):5881–5888, 2020. [URL]

Tianchen Shen, Samuel Pitou, Ryo Eguchi, and Matthew Howard. Identification of the Design Parameters for a Spacer Fabric Pressure-Mapping Sensor. Proceedings, 68(1):15, 2021. [URL]

Leg Tracking

Tracking human legs using laser range finder (a.k.a LiDAR) with Kalman filtering, data association, and machine learning

Ryo Eguchi and Masaki Takahashi. Human Leg Tracking by Fusion of Laser Range and Insole Force Sensing With Gaussian Mixture Model-Based Occlusion Compensation. IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(4):3704–3714, 2022. [URL]

Ryo Eguchi, Ayanori Yorozu, and Masaki Takahashi. Spatiotemporal and Kinetic Gait Analysis System Based on Multisensor Fusion of Laser Range Sensor and Instrumented Insoles. 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4876–4881, 2019. [URL]

Ryo Eguchi, Ayanori Yorozu, and Masaki Takahashi. Kinetic and Spatiotemporal Gait Analysis System Using Instrumented Insoles and Laser Range Sensor. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 705–709, 2017. [URL]

Body Tracking

Tracking human body (joints) using RGB-Depth cameras with machine learning, Kalman filtering, and point could matching

Tomoko Ono, Ryo Eguchi, and Masaki Takahashi. Dynamic Motion Tracking Based on Point Cloud Matching with Personalized Body Segmentation. 2020 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), 61–67, 2020. [URL]

Wearable Haptics

Haptic Belt

Providing vibrotactile feedback as directional cues to navigate human maneuvering vehicles safely and efficiency

Ryo Eguchi, David Vacek, Cole Godzinski, and Allison M. Okamura. Between-Tactor Display Using Dynamic Tactile Stimuli for Directional Cueing in Vibrating Environments. IEEE Transactions on Haptics (presented at IEEE HAPTICS2024), 2024, In Press. [URL]

Ryo Eguchi, David Vacek, Cole Godzinski, Silvia Curry, Max Evans, and Allison M. Okamura. Between-Tactor Display Using Dynamic Tactile Stimuli. EuroHaptics Work-in-Progress Paper, 2022. [URL]

Haptic Band

Providing vibrotactile sensation as directional cues to guide human motion for performing ideal movement

Detection and Evaluation of Movement Disorders

Knee Osteoarthritis

Hirotaka Iijima, Ryo Eguchi, Kanako Shimoura, Keisuke Yamada, Tomoki Aoyama, and Masaki Takahashi. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Improves Stair Climbing Capacity in People with Knee Osteoarthritis. Scientific Reports, 10(1):1–9, 2020. [URL]

Hirotaka Iijima, Ayanori Yorozu, Yusuke Suzuki, Ryo Eguchi, Tomoki Aoyama, and Masaki Takahashi. Hip abductor muscle weakness and slowed turning motion in people with knee osteoarthritis. Journal of Biomechanics, 101:109652, 2020. [URL]

Hirotaka Iijima, Ryo Eguchi, Kanako Shimoura, Tomoki Aoyama, and Masaki Takahashi. Stair climbing ability in patients with early knee osteoarthritis: Defining the clinical hallmarks of early disease. Gait & Posture, 72:148–153, 2019. [URL]

Hirotaka Iijima, Tomoki Aoyama, Ryo Eguchi, Masaki Takahashi, and Shuichi Matsuda. Effects of interaction between varus thrust and ambulatory physical activity on knee pain in individuals with knee osteoarthritis: an exploratory study with 12-month follow-up. Clinical Rheumatology, 38(6):1721–1729, 2019. [URL]

Hirotaka Iijima, Kanako Shimoura, Ryo Eguchi, Tomoki Aoyama, and Masaki Takahashi. Concurrent validity and measurement error of stair climb test in people with pre-radiographic to mild knee osteoarthritis. Gait & Posture, 68:335–339, 2019. [URL]

Hirotaka Iijima, Ryo Eguchi, Tomoki Aoyama, and Masaki Takahashi. Trunk movement asymmetry associated with pain, disability, and quadriceps strength asymmetry in individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a cross-sectional study. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 27(2):248–256, 2019. [URL]

Hallux Valgus

Hala Zeidan, Ryo Eguchi, Yusuke Suzuki, Hirotaka Iijima, Yuu Kajiwara, Keiko Harada, Kengo Nakai, Kanako Shimoura, Koji Fujimoto, Masaki Takahashi, and Tomoki Aoyama. Detailed analysis of the transverse arch of hallux valgus feet with and without pain using weightbearing ultrasound imaging and precise force sensors. PLOS ONE, 15(1):e0226914, 2020. [URL]

Distal Radius Fracture

Koji Fujita, Hirotaka Iijima, Ryo Eguchi, Tomoyuki Kuroiwa, Toru Sasaki, Yukihiro Yokoyama, Takafumi Koyama, Akimoto Nimura, Ryuichi Kato, Atsushi Okawa, and Masaki Takahashi. Gait analysis of patients with distal radius fracture by using a novel laser timed up-and-go system. Gait & Posture, 80:223–227, 2020. [URL]

Diabetes Mellitus

Hirotaka Iijima, Ryo Eguchi, Aya Yamamoto-Kon, Yuta Terabe, and Masaki Takahashi. Compensatory gait mechanics in person with multiple toe amputation: a single case report. Clinical Case Reports, 11(8), 2023. [URL]