Rybka is a computer chess engine designed by International Master Vasik Rajlich. Around 2011, Rybka was one of the top-rated engines on chess engine rating lists[2][3][4][5][6] and won many computer chess tournaments.

After Rybka won four consecutive World Computer Chess Championships from 2007 to 2010, it was stripped of these titles after the International Computer Games Association concluded in June 2011 that Rybka was plagiarized from both the Crafty and the Fruit chess engines[7][8] and so failed to meet their originality requirements.[9] In 2015, FIDE Ethics Commission, following a complaint put forward by Vasik Rajlich and chess engine developer and games publisher Chris Whittington regarding ethical breaches during internal disciplinary proceedings, ruled the ICGA guilty and sanctioned ICGA with a warning. Case 2/2012.[10][11]

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In December 2005, Rybka participated in the 15th International Paderborn Computer Chess Championship. Rybka won the tournament with a score of 5 points out of 7, ahead of other engines such as Gandalf, Zappa, Spike, Shredder and Fruit.

On CCT8 in February 2006, Rybka won with a score of 8 out of 9, going undefeated. In the April 2006 PAL/CSS Freestyle main tournament, an unaided Rybka 1.1 took first place. In the final tournament, Rybka 1.1 finished in second and third place, behind Hydra. In the 6th Leiden ICT in May 2006, Rybka won with a score of 8 out of 9, ahead of Sjeng, Gandalf and Shredder. At the 14th World Computer Chess Championship in Turin, Italy in May 2006, Rybka, playing under the name Rajlich, finished second, tied with Shredder, after Junior, the winning 2006 World champion. In the June 2006 PAL/CSS Freestyle main tournament, the Rybka team, playing under the handle Rajlich, tied for first place with Intagrand. In the final, the Rybka team took clear first place, a point ahead of the field. All 8 qualifiers for to the final were Rybka users. In the 2006 Dutch open computer chess championship, Rybka 2.2 finished in first place with a perfect score of 9 out of 9.[citation needed][27] In December 2006, Rybka participated in the 16th International Paderborn Computer Chess Championship. Rybka won the tournament with a score of 6 points out of 7.[citation needed]

In February 2007, Rybka participated in the CCT9 and won with 6/7.[citation needed] In the 7th Leiden ICT in May 2007, Rybka won with a score of 7 out of 9, ahead of Zappa and HIARCS.[citation needed] Rybka won the 15th World Computer Chess Championship in June 2007 with a score of 10 out of 11. The Rybka team, playing under the handle Rajlich, won the June 2007 PAL/CSS Freestyle final with a score of 6/9. Later that year it won again the Dutch open computer chess championship, scoring 8/9.[28]

Rybka 3 was released on August 6, 2008.[42] While previous versions of Rybka were released exclusively by Convekta, Rybka 3 was released by both Chessbase and Convekta.[43] Although still a UCI engine, Rybka 3 has extra features when run under the ChessBase and Convekta user interfaces.[42] In an interview with Frank Quisinsky, Vasik Rajlich revealed plans for a future GUI that would "properly display chess knowledge to the user" most likely in the form of graphical evaluation of the pieces on the board. The GUI, named Aquarium, has been released by ChessOK (formerly known as Convekta).[44]

Early private Rybka engines have been accused of being a clone of Crafty, including copying specific bugs - such as comparing the result of the EvaluateMate function to a number, 99999, that it could not possibly return[48] - and unnecessary code ("there is no earthly reason for any program that claimed to have been started in 2003 to have such code, other than that it was mindlessly copied from Crafty without the slightest understanding of its purpose").[49]

In May 2007, a new chess engine called Strelka (Russian for "arrow") appeared on the scene, claimed to be written by Yuri Osipov. Soon, there were allegations that Strelka was a clone of Rybka 1.0 beta, in the sense that it was a reverse-engineered and slightly modified version of Rybka.[50] Several players found Strelka to yield identical analysis to Rybka in a variety of different situations, even having the same bugs and weaknesses in some cases. Osipov, however, stated repeatedly on discussion boards that Strelka was based on Fruit, not Rybka, and that any similarities was either because Rybka also was based on Fruit, or because he had tuned the evaluation function to be as close to Rybka as possible.[51][52]

According to Victor Zakharov (Convekta company) in his review for Arena chess website: "I consider that Yuri Osipov (Ivanovich) is real name. He didn't hide it. However I can't state this with 100% assurance."And he also has some contact with Yuri Osipov for development of mobile platforms chess program.[54]

IPPOLIT, RobboLito, Igorrit, IvanHoe, FireBird and Fire are a series of strong open source chess programs, originally developed by a team of anonymous programmers who call themselves the Decembrists, after the Decembrist revolt.[56][57]

The chess engine IPPOLIT was released in May 2009 with its source code, but due to the policy of some chess forumsnot to publish material of "questionable legal status" (e.g. the Talkchess charter [58]) it remained relatively unknown until October 2009. Vasik Rajlich has stated[59] that IPPOLIT is a decompiled version of Rybka, and that the people involved kept him informed of their progress via email.[60]

Rybka has been accused of being based on Fruit, but Rajlich has denied this categorically,[61] saying that Rybka is 100% original at the source code level. Further allegations of violating the GPL have been brought forward by chess programmer Zach Wegner based on a new decompilation effort and a one-year study of the Rybka 1.0 executable.[62] Rajlich has since declined to respond to these allegations.[63] The Fruit author Fabien Letouzey has since appeared from a 5-year absence in January 2011 and published an open letter[55] asking for more information regarding Rybka and GPL violations.

The ICGA President David Levy has addressed the situation at ChessVibes and invoked a programmers forum to decide the merits.[64] The options include revoking all tournament victories of Rybka by Statute 3.h.iv.[65] Fourteen well-known chess programmers have since written an open letter to David Levy, Jaap van den Herik and the ICGA board stating that there is now "overwhelming evidence" that Rybka 1.0 beta (the first strong Rybka version) was directly derived from Fruit.[66]

On June 28, 2011, the International Computer Games Association (ICGA) concluded their investigation and determined that Vasik Rajlich in programming Rybka had plagiarized two other chess software programs: Crafty and Fruit.[67] According to ICGA, Vasik Rajlich failed to comply with the ICGA rule that each computer chess program must be the original work of the entering developer and those "whose code is derived from or including game-playing code written by others must name all other authors, or the source of such code, in their submission details".[68] The ICGA regarded Vasik Rajlich's alleged violation as the most serious offence that a chess programmer and ICGA member can commit with respect to his peers and to the ICGA.[69] The ICGA sanction for Vasik Rajlich and Rybka was the disqualification from the World Computer Chess Championship (WCCC) of 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.[70] Vasik Rajlich was also banned for life from competing in the WCCC or any other event organized or sanctioned by the ICGA.[71] In addition, the ICGA demanded that Vasik Rajlich return to the ICGA the four replicas of the Shannon Trophy presented at the WCCC in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 and all prize money awarded for Rybka's performances in those events.[72]

In January 2012, ChessBase.com published an article by Dr. Sren Riis. Riis, a computer scientist at the Queen Mary University of London and a Rybka forum moderator, was critical of the ICGA's decision, the investigation, the methods on which the investigation was based, and the bias of the panel members and Secretariat. Riis argued that critical portions of the ICGA panel report that appeared to show line-by-line code duplication between Rybka and Fruit were misleading or falsified, and objected to the panel's and Secretariat's composition, suggesting that it consisted almost exclusively of rival chess programmers who had a conflict of interest in seeing Rajlich banned from competition in order to interrupt his unbroken domination of competitive computer chess.[74] ICGA President David Levy and University of Sydney research fellow in mathematics Mark Watkins responded to Riis' publication with their own statements defending the ICGA panel and findings, respectively.[75][76] ChessBase published a lengthy list of Reader Comments to the Riis article, specifically pointing to the two longest comments, one for and one against which were located at the end.[77]

I need not tell you that the ICGA made a terrible mess. On our site last August we declared we will not accept the Rybka ban. The computer chess world is split in two. At this time the CSVN board has the most serious doubts as to the rightfulness of ICGA's decision. Therefore, we have chosen not to abide by their sanctions against Rybka.[80]

Those who were in favour of the sanctions were severely questioned by (e.g.) Miguel A. Ballicora, George Speight and Sren Riis. Their opposition did make an impression on us, because these people can rely upon a vast expertise in the field of chess programming, law and mathematical logic. When finally dutchman Ed Schrder, former world computer chess champion, joined the aforementioned critics of ICGA, we no longer seemed to have a choice.[81]


a chess engine by primary author Vasik Rajlich, from 2007 until 2010 dominating and reigning World Computer Chess Champion and holder of the Shannon Trophy, winning the WCCC 2007 [2] , WCCC 2008, WCCC 2009 and WCCC 2010, but in June 2011 disqualified by the ICGA from all previous and future World Computer Chess Championships. Rybka further won various IPCCC, Dutch Open Computer Chess Championships, International CSVN Tournaments and on-line tournaments such as CCT Tournaments and ACCA Americas' Computer Chess Championships. Rybka is a standalone chess engine supporting the UCI protocol. ff782bc1db

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