The Ins and Outs of Cyclical Unemployment (with Michael Elsby and Gary Solon). Published AEJ: Macroeconomics, 2009.
Marginal Jobs, Heterogeneous Firms, and Unemployment Flows (with Michael Elsby). AEJ: Macroeconomics, 2013. Awarded AEJ: Macro Best Paper Prize, 2014.
The Beveridge Curve: A Survey (with Michael Elsby and David Ratner). Journal of Economic Literature, 2015.
Quality-adjusted Price Measurement: A New Approach with Evidence from Semiconductors (with David M. Byrne and Brian Kovak). Review of Economics and Statistics, 2017. Working paper version. VOXEU summary.
Do Job-to-Job Transitions Drive Wage Fluctuations Over the Business Cycle? (with Fatih Karahan, Benjamin Pugsley, Aysegül Sahin, and Rachel Schuh). AER Papers & Proceedings, 2017.
Policy Credibility and Alternative Approaches to Disinflation (with Michael Bordo, Christopher Erceg, and Andrew Levin). Research in Economics, 2017.
Fixed Adjustment Costs and Aggregate Fluctuations (with Michael Elsby). Journal of Monetary Economics, January 2019.
Labor and Capital Dynamics Under Financing Frictions (with T. Beau Page and Toni Whited). Review of Finance, March 2019.
The Aggregate Effects of Labor Market Frictions (with Michael Elsby and David Ratner). Quantitative Economics, July 2019.
The Joint Dynamics of Capital and Employment at the Plant Level (with William Hawkins and Jiyoon Oh). Online appendix.
Labor Supply Within the Firm (with Michele Battisti and Choonsung Park). Forthcoming, Journal of Labor Economics. Online Appendix.
Vacancy Chains (with Michael Elsby, Axel Gottfries, and David Ratner). Revised and Resubmitted.
School Closures, Parental Labor Supply, and Time Use (with Enghin Atalay and Ryan Kobler). Online Appendix.
The Wages of Nonemployment (with Michael Elsby, David Ratner, and Matthew Shapiro). Work in progress.
Imperfect Information and Employment Persistence (with Michael Elsby and David Ratner). Work in progress.