Ryan M. Brewer

Biographical Statement

Dr. Ryan M. Brewer is an Associate Professor of Finance at Indiana University-Columbus (IUPUI/IUPUC), where he began his academic appointment in 2009. Brewer earned his Ph.D. from Indiana University-Bloomington in 2011 on the topic of financial economics: intrinsic valuation. Prior to this experience, Brewer earned an M.B.A. from the Kelley School of Business in 2001, after which he accrued 15 years of professional valuation consulting experience. On several occasions, Brewer has testified as a valuation expert in the U.S. Federal and Indiana State court systems. Brewer remains active in valuation consulting today, focusing this practice in the niche areas of intellectual property value/damages, sports property values, and derivatives valuation. Prior to entering professional school, Brewer worked for five years as a Risk Manager for a Fortune 50 (U.S.) Corporation in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, ultimately attaining worldwide responsibilities for the development of policy compliance programs. See Ryan Brewer's full curriculum vitae here.


· Ph.D. Indiana University-Bloomington, 2011

· M.B.A. Indiana University-Bloomington, 2001

· B.S. Purdue University-Indianapolis, 1996

· B.S. Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1994

Research Activities

Brewer’s areas of research inquiry include franchise valuation, intellectual property valuation, and economic forecasting. Brewer has been published in peer reviewed Academic journals on twenty-two (22) occasions, while his work has been highlighted in the Wall Street Journal on twelve (12) occasions. Brewer’s work in valuation has also been showcased in the Chicago Tribune, the Chronicles of Higher Education, CNN, MSNBC, ESPN, and a host of regional business periodicals across the United States.

Teaching Activities

Brewer has taught numerous finance and economics courses for Butler University, Indiana University-Bloomington, and Indiana University-Columbus (IUPUI/IUPUC). Brewer has developed and taught courses in Corporate Finance, Investments, Derivatives, and Financial Management, as well as International Finance, and Statistics. Currently, Brewer teaches F301, F303, F305, F420, F421, and F523 at Indiana University-Columbus.

Awards and Honors

Brewer has earned the Annual IU MBA–Columbus Outstanding MBA Faculty Award on four (4) occasions, in 2012, 2014, 2015, and 2016. Brewer earned the IUPUC Outstanding Faculty in Research & Creativity Award in 2018. Brewer earned the IU-Columbus Division of Business Annual Research Award in 2016 and 2018, and the Annual Division of Business Civic Engagement Award in 2015. Brewer has also been nominated for additional All-campus IUPUC awards in research, teaching and service.