
Below you can find some of my data visualizations and brief abstracts for my working papers.

Data visualizations

Environmental Policy Uncertainty and Environmental Policy Indices 

Below is the data visualization I created for the Environmental Policy Uncertainty index, as hosted on the Baker School of Public Policy website. For more information on how these indices are created see the original policy uncertainty website or the Baker School website.

Working Papers

“Electric Utilities and Policy Uncertainty”

Abstract: I examine the effect of policy uncertainty on electric utilities investment rates. I build a real option theoretical model that describes how two different types of policy uncertainty can have differential effects on firm investments. I find empirical evidence that supports my theoretical results that policy uncertainty increases utilities’ investment.

“Real Options Under Low Probability High Severity Outcomes: Experimental Evidence”

Abstract: I examine how individuals make decisions in a real option framework with low probability high severity outcomes. I test whether individuals behave according to real option theory in this framework. 

“Market Based Regulations and Cross-State Air Pollution”

Abstract: I examine the effect of the Clean Air Interstate Rule and Cross-State Air Pollution Rule on power plant emissions. I test whether power plants with large spillovers into other states respond more to regulation than others. 

“Water Demand and Drought Conditions” – with Travis Warziniack (USFS)

Abstract: We use random forests to examine the correlation between the severity of historic drought conditions and water demand in the contiguous United States. We provide insight into the nonlinear effect of drought awareness.