WPI Education

Bachelor's of Science in Aerospace Engineering (Subject Matter Knowledge)

Similar to the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) course I teach, WPI employs project-based learning within regular classes and within capstones. This allows me to learn through real-life applications and connections, which then I am able to apply into my own student teaching. I have had a plethora of experiences and subject matter knowledge gained throughout my four years. Below are the courses/projects completed that fulfill the subject matter knowledge competency requirements for the Technology/Engineering 5-12 academic teacher licensure.

Teaching Pedagogy Classes (Teacher Preparation Program)

Additionally, I have completed pedagogy classes, including ID 3100 Teaching Methods, ID 3200 Sheltered English Immersion, PSY 2401 Psychology of Education, and PSY 1404 Developmental Psychology. This allowed me to create lesson plans, understand the development of the students I am teaching in terms of emotional, physical, and social changes; and learn how to teach English language learners (ELLs). These courses were supplemented with observations of current full-time teachers within the Worcester Public Schools district. Pre-practicum experiences included working as an Engineering Ambassador for 3 years (originally known as Pre-Practicum I, now known as EDU 2200), in which I taught K-8 students various STEM topics supplemented with an activity as well as created a mousetrap car lesson and taught it to students at Girls Inc (originally known as Pre-Practicum II, now known as EDU 2300). Both my subject matter classes and pedagogy classes have allowed me to learn how to be confident within my own skills as an educator, and have allowed me to share knowledge with those who need it.

Relevant Work Experience

Other relevant work experience includes my two internships during my four years at WPI. In the summer of 2022, I completed my first internship as a Production Planning Intern within the Linear Transfer Systems department at Ensign-Bickford Aerospace and Defense. There, I learned the importance of industrial engineering in applications such as a “just-in-time” Material Replenishment System (Kanban) and creating standard work for cycle count processes. In the summer of 2023, I completed my second internship as a Propulsion Testing Engineering Intern within the BE-3PM team at Blue Origin. There, I learned about one of my greatest passions: testing rocket engines. I learned the importance of test engineering through completing maintenance work, designing an engine ignition upgrade, and earning hotfire experience. I take both of these experiences to help it drive my teaching, as I believe that a great technology/engineering teacher has work experience in the field.

Taken at my second internship at Blue Origin, a spaceflight company, where I focused on propulsion test engineering.