
2017 edition

September 25th - Morning:

8h45: welcoming coffee

9h00: Introduction: Juan Correa - Las Cruces - Chile - and Vanessa Demanoff - MNHN - Paris - France

Session 1: International cooperation - Moderator: Torger Borresen - ERA-NET MarineBiotech - Denmark

9h30: Torger Borresen -ERA-NET MarineBiotech - Denmark - “Efforts to establish a continued ERA collaboration on Blue Bioeconomy”

9h50 : Lucas Bosser - CRPM - Rennes- France- “European Regions’ strategies for Marine Bioresources”

10h20: Coffee break

Session 2: Medical devices for tissue therapies (I) Moderators: Sylvia Colliec-Jouault and Pierre Weiss

10h40: Sylvia Colliec-Jouault - Ifremer Nantes and Pierre Weiss Université de Nantes - France - “Marine bacterial polysaccharides as glycosaminoglycan-mimetics for cartilage regenerative medicine”

11h00: Werner Muller - Germany“Sponge inorganic polymers - groundbreaking new biomaterials for regenerative medicine"

11h20: Marguerite Rinaudo - Grenoble - France "Biomaterials based on Chitosan from marine source: preparations and applications"

11h40: Leonor Cancela - University Algarve - Portugal “Zebrafish systems to identify compounds promoting bone formation and regeneration”

12h00: Frank Zal - Hemarina - France “M101: A real breakthrough in oxygen carriers for a wide range of medical applications“

12h20: Lunch

September 25th - Afternoon:

Session 3: Bioadhesion - Biomimicry - Active molecules -Moderator: Janek von Byern - Vienna - Austria

14h20: Janek von Byern - Vienna - Austria “Bioadhesives - Usability for the industry?"

14h40: Valentin Foulon - UBO France “First insights into the composition of adhesive secreted by Crassostrea gigas larvae during settlement.”

15h00: Heinrich Cuypers - Biocon valley- Germany "Technology Transfer in Marine/Blue Biotechnology - Case Studies from Baltic Sea Region"

15h20: Coffee break

Session 4 : Medical devices for tissue therapies (II) Moderator: Fabienne Guérard - UBO - LEMAR France

16h00: Tiago Da Silva - 3B's Research Group Univ. Minho – Portugal “extraction/isolation and characterization of marine polymers” development of biomedical applications based on marine origin materials.

16h20: Frédéric Chaubet - University - Paris 13 - France “Fucoidan: a tool to fight against cardiovascular pathologies“

19h00: Super Buffet @Musée de la pêche - Concarneau

September 26th - Morning:

9h00: Welcoming coffe

Session 5: Marine origin polymers used as nutraceuticals and as biomaterials for packaging - Moderator: Jean-Paul Cadoret - Greensea - France

9h20: Pierre Lemechko - Lorient - UBS France "Poly(hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA): Biopolymers produced by marine bacteria to make eco-friendly materials for packaging."

9h40: Philippe Roy - Phosphotech - France “Marine polysaccharides and nutraceuticals: a review“

10h00: Coffe break

Sessions 6: PI, patent, regulation, collaborative research - Moderator: Roland Conanec - CBB-Capbiotek - France and Heinrich Cuypers Biocon valley- Germany -

10h40: Patrice Vidon - Biomatériaux Droit juridique - Cabinet Vidon- France

“Overview of worldwide R&D efforts in bio-materials, as derived from patent mapping analysis“

“Identification of emergent actors, in particular in Europe, the USA and Asia; forward-looking suggestions“

11h00: Round table: Roland Conanec - CBB - Capbiotek - France - Heinrich Cuypers -Biocon valley- Germany - Rachel Portal Sellin - Pôle mer Bretagne Atlantique - France - Hélène Lepocher - ID2Santé - France

“ Sea, Biotech, Health, technology transfer and collaborative projects; the role of clusters in the innovation process.”

12h30: Lunch

14h00: End of the meeting

September 26th - Satellite activities:

“Company visits in Brittany“

  • Polaris
  • Mane Lyraz ( Savoury division) -

Organized by :

  • Roland Conanec - CBB-Capbiotek - France
  • Heinrich Cuypers - Biocon valley- Germany
  • Rachel Portal Sellin - Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique - France

Downloads :

Programme (pdf-256 ko) :

Programme final RVCC 2017.pdf

Electronic agenda : download ics