Privacy Policy

Last Updated on February 22, 2023


 Thank you for choosing to be part of our community at Rux Games, doing business as Rux Games("Rux Games," "we," "us," or "our"). We are committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy. If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy notice or our practices with regard to your personal information, please contact us at

This privacy notice describes how we might use your information if you:

Download and use our mobile application, games

Engage with us in other related ways ― including any sales, marketing, or events

In this privacy notice, if we refer to:

"App," we are referring to any application of ours that references or links to this policy, including any listed above

"Services," we are referring to our App, and other related services, including any sales, marketing, or events

The purpose of this privacy notice is to explain to you in the clearest way possible what information we collect, how we use it, and what rights you have in relation to it. If there are any terms in this privacy notice that you do not agree with, please discontinue use of our Services immediately.

Please read this privacy notice carefully, as it will help you understand what we do with the information that we collect.

2. How Do We Obtain Your Personal Data?

 We obtain your personal data directly from you or from third party companies (promotion platforms that have your consent, our business partners for promotional business) that have your consent or have the right to transfer your personal data to us based on another legal reason. This may include data about you, other services you have used, other games you have played, and general location information. We will use your personal data as specified in this Privacy Policy.

2.1 Personal Data Obtained Directly by You

 Once you download our mobile game, access our game or use our other Services, Rux Games processes your personal data in order to provide you with the said services. Most of this data comes from you or your device, which includes device number, operating system, version, model, CPU, RAM and disk volume of your device, hardware type, identification number, operating system model, device name, game center number and location-based IP. is . We use this information to enable you to use our game and to perform the Services to you, to increase in-game efficiency, to customize our offers, and to approve purchases. We would also like to point out that we will also use your data to achieve other purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

Depending on which of our Services you use, we may obtain or process the following personal data:

How you use our game, ads and other Services (for example, how and when you visit our website or games), which device you access our Services and our game on;

Your interaction with social media channels.

If you have not chosen to create a Rux Games Profile by pairing or linking your Facebook account, the personal data we obtain from you will be anonymous. However, in this context, other data, specific to the device and making the person identifiable, may be obtained:

Identifiers such as the type of device or devices you access our Services or use while playing our game, IP address, device information, Rux Games player ID number, and the country or region where you are playing the game; and

How you play our game and for what purpose you use our website (what level you start and finish, the time you spend, your rewards, your progress, your in-game progress, how long you use the game, the number of attempts you have made for the relevant level, and the purchases made).

Providing and Improving Services

We use your personal data to present our website, promotion and other Services to you and to improve these Services. With this use, we aim to make the best use of the game for you and other players. In this context, we process your personal data for analysis purposes in order for our website and game to work properly on all devices and for you to get the maximum efficiency from our game like other players.

Customer service

We process your personal data that you have transmitted to us directly within the scope of customer support services. We process this data to contact you and, for example, as part of customer support services or to notify you of updates to our game and Services. As a result, we process your personal data to manage your account and your relationship with us and to improve our Services.

User comments

From time to time, when you send us your comments about the game, these comments may contain your personal data and this personal data is provided by you voluntarily. We may use the personal data provided for this purpose for the development of our products, website and/or Services and in accordance with the provisions of this policy.


Some of our Services include a messaging feature. Our users can send messages to other users via chat services and related messages are used and stored by us for the reasons listed in this article: (a) transmitting messages; (b) you and the person receiving the message can see the message history (the content of the relevant in-game messages will be deleted within 3 months from the last transaction date and cannot be viewed). We reserve the right to view the content of messages through automatic filters. In addition, we would like to state that we have the right to prevent you from sending messages or using the chat service in order to fulfill our terms of service.

Analytical and Review Activities

We would like to point out that we use analytical tools, including third-party ones, to obtain information from you about how you play our game and the use of the Services, and these tools contain cookies or similar tracking technologies. We use this data for research and measurement purposes.

Fraud and Crime Prevention

We may use your personal data to prevent fraud and crime. In addition, we would like to point out that your personal data can be used to investigate the crime by transferring your personal data to the competent authorities in order to prevent these acts.

Legal Use

We may use your personal data as and to the extent permitted by applicable law.

2.2 Personal Data Obtained from Third Parties

As stated above, we often obtain your personal data directly from you because you use our game or visit the Website or use the Services. However, if you give your consent for third party companies to access your personal data (the relevant third parties access your data due to downloading our mobile application from the App Store or Google Store or pairing your Facebook account with our mobile application), we obtain your personal data from the relevant third parties.

Downloading Our Mobile App from App Store and Google Store

Rux Games will not be able to access your credit card or bank account information if you download our mobile applications or buy any product subject to the sale (what you can download via the App Store or Google Store tool). However, third party payment method service providers may share non-financial information about your purchases with us.

3. Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data

We obtain your personal data for the following purposes and process it for these purposes:

Offering our game, making your in-game purchases and providing customer support services to you;

Improving the game and communicating customer-based game organizations, in-game offers and promotions to you;

Fulfillment of other purposes in this Privacy Policy, including promotional and marketing activities;

operation, development and improvement of our Game and Services;

Personalizing our Services and measuring our users' experiences and enjoyment of our Services, and reflecting user experiences in our game;

Notifying you about in-game developments and updates, notifying you about new products and promotions;

Providing technical notices, updates and security notices, including confirmations;

Allowing its users to communicate with each other within the mobile application;

Answering your comments and requests within the scope of customer support services;

Preventing potential illegal and prohibited activities of other mobile game users;

Ensuring internal quality and testing the Services;

To comply with the law applied to us, to prevent fraudulent behavior, to comply with the terms of service or to protect and defend our legal rights and interests under the Terms of Service at ;

Contacting you regarding recruitment processes; And

As stipulated in this Privacy Policy or under any legislative provision.

4. Promotion

We and our third party partners may collect personal data belonging to you in order to send you promotional correspondence. For example, we may include promotional materials related to third parties' websites or applications in the content of our Services.

We may use the personal data we hold regarding you to promote Rux Games' Services and as follows:

To carry out advertising work on other people's websites and mobile applications;

To offer you personalized promotions;

To forward our in-game advertisements and special offers to you.

4.1 Personal Data We Use For Promotional Purposes

In this context, we use your personal data for promotions that will attract your attention and that you are interested in. The data we process in this context includes the following:

Advertising identifiers and other non-personal data from your device;

The game you are playing and your interaction with our game and Services;

Country or region; And

Your personal data that we will obtain from our third party business partners or from third parties with your consent or from third parties who have the legal right to share your personal data with us.

4.2 Promotional Partners

During the launch and promotion of our game, we receive support from various third party business partners for promotional purposes. In this context, we would like to state that we may share the personal data we have obtained from you with our relevant business partners for this purpose.

Our promotional business partners may offer advertisement services based on your interests that will attract your attention, taking into account the personal data obtained from you. If our promotional partners determine that you want to see advertisements for Rux Games games or Services, you may be shown Rux Games advertisements during your use of other websites or services.

If you do not want your personal data to be processed through interest-based advertisements, you can request an opt-out by notifying us at

If you opt out of receiving interest-based advertisements, you may continue to receive advertisements for Rux Games products and Services. However, these advertisements will not be provided to you through the use of your personal data.

If you approve this Privacy Policy and download or continue to play the game, and if you have not stopped receiving advertisements based on your interests as stated in this article, your personal data will be used to develop advertisements for our promotional partners and to reach target people.

This Privacy Policy will not be applied to the personal data obtained about you by our promotional business partners, and we recommend that you review our business partners' privacy policies in this regard.

4.3 Cookies Used by Third Parties

Third parties that provide content or other functions on the Services may use cookies or other technologies to automatically collect information through the Services. Cookies are small text files placed on visitors' browsers by third parties. When you use our website or other services, cookies belonging to these people may be placed on your computer. Cookies will be used by third party service providers regarding the Website for the following purposes:

Operational-Related.Cookies may be used for the functionality of the Website.

About Performance.In order to evaluate the performance of the Website, cookies can be used to help understand how our visitors use the Website.

About Functionality.Cookies may be used to enable us to provide more advanced functionality when you access the Website.

You can set your browser to warn you about attempts to place cookies on your computer or limit the types of cookies you allow. Flash cookies work differently from browser cookies and tools available in a browser may not be effective in removing flash cookies.

Cookies are necessary to track and improve your activities on our Services, so if you disable cookies, you may lose some features or functionality of our Services.

5. Ad Identifier, Software Development Kits, and Similar Technologies

We use ad specifiers, software development kits and similar technologies to present the Website and internet-based advertising activities to our games. This section describes how we use these technologies.

Advertising identifiers and similar technologies are used to provide you with the Services and to obtain data from your device. Relevant technologies provide us and our third party promotional business partners with the following:

getting to know you and your device;

forwarding interest-based advertisements to you;

Interacting with third party social networks or platforms of our Services (if the relevant interaction is chosen by you);

Providing personalized services to us and third parties, for example, providing the Services in the correct language.

5.1 How Do Ad Identifiers and Similar Technologies Work?

Advertising identifiers are non-permanent, non-personal identifiers that are uniquely associated with your device, such as the Android ID number and/or Apple ID number used for promotion. Similar technologies include tracking pixels in ads. These technologies allow relevant companies (including marketers and advertisers) to recognize your device when you use websites and apps.

6. Your Rights

You have various rights regarding your personal data and how we use it. You can exercise these rights at any time by contacting us in the Contact Us section below.

These rights include:

Access to personal data: You have the right to access your personal data that Rux Games uses.

Correction or deletion of personal data: If your personal data is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to request correction or completion of this personal data by sending an email to Rux Games at You also have the right to request the deletion of your personal data, subject to certain conditions, by contacting Rux Games by sending an email to

Deactivating your account: You can deactivate your account completely by unsynchronizing your Facebook account with your account in the game and deleting our game from your mobile device. Please note that if your account is completely deactivated, your progress in the game and any unused virtual currency will be completely lost.

Limitation of the processing of personal data: You can request from Rux Games to limit the use of your personal data, subject to certain conditions.

Objection to the processing of personal data: You have the right to object to the use of your personal data by Rux Games, subject to certain conditions.

Portability of personal data: You have the right to receive your personal data in a formatted and generally used format. Subject to certain conditions, you may use data related to the exercise of this right with another company.

Right of Withdrawal (California, USA): California residents have the right to opt-out from the sale of their personal data. If you have exercised your right of opt-out regarding the sale of your personal data, we will not sell your personal data, including to our promotional business partners. However, our business partners may send you some advertisements by using the information they have about you.

There are other ways you can control the personal data we obtain regarding you. For example, you can delete our game from your mobile device or you can end this process by unsynchronizing our game with your Facebook account.

You can also reset or limit your mobile ad setters in your device's settings.

Instantly to you; We can send you notifications about our game updates, high scores and other topics that may be of interest to you. You can choose not to receive such communications at any time by changing the settings on your mobile device.

7. Children

You must be over the age of 13 to use our Services and the Website. Although we do not knowingly and voluntarily obtain personal data from persons under the age of 13, we may obtain personal data from such persons if they use the Services in violation of this Privacy Policy. If you believe that we have obtained any personal data from persons under the age of 13 (or persons under the age of 16 according to the legislation governing some countries and/or regions in the European Union), please contact us through the Contact Us section.

8. Sharing Your Personal Data

As we have explained in detail in this Privacy Policy, we may share your personal data specified in this Privacy Policy within the scope of our Services (in order to provide the Services through our third party service providers, to fulfill our legal obligations, to protect our rights and ownership).

Service Providers. We may share your personal data with our service providers. Our service providers (data processors) provide us with (i) technical support and similar services; (ii) providing information and services requested by you; (iii) providing customer support services; (iv) provide services for the development and improvement of the Services in relation to analytics and search engine activities, and (v) provide any technical support for our Services. In accordance with the relevant legal requirements, Rux Games has concluded agreements with the relevant service providers, which prohibit the use or sharing of your personal data, except for the provision of the relevant service.

Posts Made for the Protection of Your, Us and Other Persons' Rights (Required by Legislation and Similar Posts). If any of the following is present, we can access your personal data and share your other account information and content with your personal data. This is (i) requested by us pursuant to a court decision or similar process within the scope of any legal process; (ii) to fulfill your requests; (iii) to establish or protect your and our rights; (iv) in order to perform Rux Games policies and agreements; (v) In order to collect the amounts owed to Rux Games; (vi) to prevent physical harm or financial loss or to investigate any unlawful act.

In addition, server logs are reviewed from time to time for security reasons (for example, detection of unauthorized activity on the Services). In these cases, the server log data containing the IP address may be shared with the authorized authorities in order to carry out the relevant investigation and to identify the unauthorized person.

Sale of Asset and Change of Control. In the event of the sale or corporate restructuring of the Rux Games property or the change of control in the shareholding structure of Rux Games, the third party who purchases or transfers the related property of Rux Games will have the right to continue to use the personal data and other information.

9. International Transfer

Personal data obtained or maintained by Rux Games may be stored in the cloud, on our servers or on the servers of our service providers anywhere in the world, including the borders of the Republic of Turkey, the United States of America and the European Union. We would like to state that when we transfer your personal data internationally, we will take the necessary measures in accordance with the law in order to ensure the security of your personal data. Please note that the provisions of the legislation vary according to the countries, and in this context, the legal rules regarding the protection of personal data in the countries where your personal data is transferred or stored may differ from the rules of your place of residence.

By providing your personal data to us, you declare that you consent to the storage of your personal data in the above-mentioned locations.

If you are using the Services within the European Union or another country with provisions regarding the processing of personal data, you agree to the transfer of your personal data to the Republic of Turkey and the United States of America and to the international processing of your personal data.

By choosing to visit the Website or using our Services or otherwise providing us with data, you agree that in case of any dispute regarding the provisions of this Privacy Policy, the dispute will be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey and the competent court will be the competent court specified in the Terms of Service.

10. Security

The personal information you provide to us is stored on servers located in secure facilities and is protected within the framework of protocols and procedures designed to ensure the security of such information in accordance with industry standards, such as firewalls and data encryption. However, no server, computer, communication network or system, or data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Therefore, as Rux Games, although we take all kinds of technical measures to protect user information and make great efforts to ensure information security, we cannot absolutely guarantee the security of the information you transmit to us or share through the Services.

When you use the Services, you agree that we may communicate with you electronically on security, privacy, and administrative matters relating to your use of the Services. If we become aware that a security system has been breached, we may notify you by posting a notice on the Services or by emailing you.

11. Legal Basis (For Users in the European Economic Area)

If you are a natural person located in the European Economic Area, we obtain and process your personal data only if there is a legal basis in accordance with EU legislation. The relevant legal bases are as follows:

Contractual Requirement. This includes the data processed for the performance of the Services you have requested to use. As we have agreed with you, we process some of your personal data in order to provide you with our games and customer service, the messaging tab and the matching of third party social networks.

Legal obligation. Your personal data is processed in order to fulfill our tax obligations or to fulfill legal requests made to us regarding the relevant personal data.

Legitimate Interest. Your personal data is processed for the purposes of marketing, advertising, analytics, research and optimization of our games and other Services, which are used by us for purposes that do not harm your privacy and within the scope of your use of our Services.

Consent. Consent covers the legal bases listed under this article: some personal data, including device information, advertising identifiers, IP address, country and region information stored on your device, are obtained by us and our business partners for promotional business. In this regard, by downloading our game, you accept that you give your consent. By deleting our game from your device, you can withdraw your consent.

Within the scope of this Privacy Policy, it is explained how you will use your right to opt out of the processing of your personal data, the reasons for the data processing based on your consent, and you can withdraw your consent at any time. However, if you continue to play our game, we will continue to collect personal data about you and process it as specified in this Privacy Policy. If you do not want personal data relating to you to be processed in any way, you should stop playing our game and not use our Services.

12. Storage

We would like to point out that we will keep your personal data as long as your account in the game is active or as long as we need to provide the Services. If you wish to retrieve your personal data, we will continue to retain your personal data to fulfill our legitimate purposes, such as fulfilling our legal obligations, resolving disputes and enforcing our contracts.

13. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We would like to state that we may change this Privacy Policy from time to time and we will publish the updated Privacy Policy on this page. The updated new policy will be effective from the date it is published by us.

14. Contact Us 

To communicate with us and/or use your rights specified under this Privacy Policy please contact us at: