Ruth Luo


I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of South Carolina. 

I am interested in problems in combinatorics, specifically graph theory and hypergraph theory. 

Please excuse the sparseness of this website, it is under construction!

Here is a video of how to pronounce my last name. 


Academic History


Topics that interest me include: extremal combinatorics, Ramsey Theory, probabilistic combinatorics, discrete geometry, cycles in graphs and hypergraphs. Preprints can be found on arXiv.

Below are some selected papers I wrote. For a full list, see my arXiv or my CV. 


Current Courses

In Spring 2024 I will teach Math 776: Graduate Graph Theory II and Math 300: Transition to Advanced Mathematics. Course websites are on Blackboard.

Past Courses

University of South Carolina

University of California, San Diego

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Carnegie Mellon University

Here are some review sheets I made for Math 415: Applied Linear Algebra when I was a graduate student. There are probably many typos but you might still find them helpful.