Rust Repair – Erase it Rust O Rama way

Rust Repair – Erase it Rust O Rama way

(Related : Rust Specialist MA , Rocker panel repairs , Auto Body rust repair )

First, Let’s know about the Types of Rusts –

· Surface Rust

It affects only the top layer of the body panels of your vehicle. It appears in nicks in the protective paint coating. Keep a bottle of automotive paint with you and touch up the scratches immediately whenever they happen. Don’t let it spread further.

But to get rid of a larger rust, you may need more time and equipments such as Sandpaper, plastic sheeting, painter’s tape, wax and grease remover, wire brush, cloth, body filler and automotive paint matching your vehicle.

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Once you gathered these things, start it from cleaning the affected area first followed by a thorough rusting out with sand paper. Once you see the clean metal, paint the surface with automotive paint to protect it from future corrosion .

· Scale Rust

Repairing scale rust, you need almost same tools as repairing Surface Rust.

Procedure for Scale Rust repairing includes –

First prepare the affected area by covering the surrounding area with plastic sheet. Then equip yourself with safety goggles, dust mask and gloves. Clean the area with wax and grease remover followed by sanding process. Grind the rust with grinding

tool and remove the rust. Then wipe off the rust conditioning powder solution, fill in depressions with body filler, smooth out the body filler, metal and surrounding paint edges with sandpaper. Clean it again with wax and grease remover before putting primer or paint on it. Apply two coats of primer to the prepared surface. Wait for the coat to be dried up before applying another. After the paint got dried up, buff the dried coating and finally, do not wax it for at least a month from thereon.

· Penetrating Rust

The final stage of the rust formation is called as Penetrating Rust. Penetrating Rust typically forms holes in the body of vehicle, as time passes, with favourable environmental conditions, steel breaks down into iron oxide, the form of rust.

Unlike surface rust and scale rust , Penetrating Rust is irremovable and paint cannot be applied to hide the brown rusty holes. So you are left with no options except complete replacement of affected panel.

Last words

It is always recommended to take prompt preventive measures be it a minor scratch of a major rust. And, If it cannot be fixed by your own, better leave it for professionals who can rust off it and give your vehicle a new like look.

We Rust O Rama, For years, rendering trustworthy high quality rust repair services including Welding, Undercoating, Rucker Panel Rust and Jeep Wrangler Welding with precision. We specialize in all type of vehicle rust repair. Our mechanics are experienced, polite and delivers quickest possible time period without compromising with highest industry standards. We use best quality products like POR –15 Rust Inhibitor and gives guarantee that the rust will not return again. Our satisfied customers list is only growing day by day.

Our Current Specials – Rocker Panels : Starting at $ 500 per set.

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About the Author:

Rustorama is your Number 1 Choice for Rocker Panel Repair in MA & NH Rust-O-Rama has been fixing up those rusted out rocker panels for years. We have the skills and the experience to get your rocker panels looking like new again. Call us or drop by and let us take a look at it.