
To read more, see testimonies from anonymous survivors in the area, and learn how to get involved, visit www.esvocnh.org

The One-Pager Guiding Document: Our mission and a brief explanation of our goals are explained here.

Notable Takeaways from the Survey: The inspiration behind our group's work lies in a survey conducted in the summer of 2019. The survey sampled answers from 85 pre-teen to graduated girls from the Monadnock Region. Here are some of the most striking answers, left anonymous.

Our team initially planned to host a series of speakers, artists, trainings, discussions, and letter-writing campaigns in the month of April, 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all events were canceled or postponed. Here is an introductory piece written by member Reagan Riffle on the very intricate topic of consent.

2020 Updated Survey on Consent: Intended to gather data from the Monadnock Region and expand on our initial data.

Further Statistics and Definitions you Should Know