In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Al-hamdu lillaahi Rabbil-aalamiin,wassalaatu wassaalaamu alaa Nabbiyinaa Muhammad Ammaa ba-adu: I have written this Website very briefly and I have not translated some prayers because most people are still very weak in reading religious books. Here with various prayers. We ask Allah to enable us to publish a second more comprehensive treatment Website here. I have nothing else to ask but to ask Allah to accept this work by doing it for Him alone. together he saved me let me see and hear me and all Muslims and make this Website useful to me and all Muslims.


Al-hamdulillah wasswalaatu wassaalaamu alaa Rasuulillah, swallallaahu alaihi wasallama waba adu: Allah tests people according to their faith our predecessors in this religion used to take one of them and put a scythe cutting trees in the middle of a cave saying if he adds something else to Allah they leave him, but he refuses to join Al-lah and they cut him in two and he dies and Allah admits him to Paradise. A woman named Sumaiya was beaten and speared in the middle of her nakedness and died refusing to associate anything with Allah. We ask Allah to give us faith as He gave it to those before us.

In this age and the plots of satan are rampant everywhere you pass most everyone cries jinn which has led some to join Allah with something else and the purpose of satan is achieved, 

(1) we ask Allah to save us, but that is because most people have neglected the prayers and Azhikaari recited in various places in the morning and evening, mainly where the devil usually resides and repeated at bedtime, as well as the fact that people have not paid attention to reading the Qur'an and teaching it their children religion, because the Qur'an satan can not at all and that is why demon sick devil does not want to read the Qur'an or listen to it recited because it burns the jinn as you see fire or hot water, and is the best weapon to kill jinn or devils

Brothers and sisters, a person who recites the Qur'an, especially Surah Baqara, every day, Satan cannot defeat him by the power of Allah, that is the hadith of the Prophet morning and evening with good intentions including praying to Allah when he wakes up to beg of the night Allah save him. 

(2) Next time, Allah willing we will expand on this subject of treatment and show some of the medicines that a jinn patient can use Insha'Allah.I ask Allah to make this Website useful and bless these prayers to heal all the sick and forgive us all our sins and our parents and all those who love us on Iwa Allah.


1. You become a friend of Allah and an enemy of Satan.

2. Praising Allah drives away the devil and crushes him.

3. The devils are afraid of you and the witches who send them, and they run away from you.

4. Praising Allah and reciting the Qur'an is the best way to kill the jinn and you will be burning them in the Fire.

5. Satan does not enter a house where Surah Baqarah is recited for three days.

6. Praising Allah calms the heart and saves one from sorrow, trembling, and fear.

7. Praising Allah gives life and self-love to the heart just as a fish cannot live without water. And it is one of the 

8. Allah forgives you the sins that will most admit people to Paradise in mentioning you 

9. Allah is pleased with you and the angels.

10. Allah loves you and has commanded the angels to love you and your people on earth

11. The place where angels live too. praying for you and I will not give you any evidence, and the place where you also testified against you

12. Praising Allah softens difficult things and Allah makes them easy in a way you do not know.

13. Allah protects you from your secret and open enemies. And many other good things قتل الجن وحرقه


This is not the first, but it comes later when a person has failed, has used the first methods but the jinn have failed on the person and do not want to leave him, and then use this method as he asks Allah to help him get well.

It is not permissible to kill the jinn even if it is wrong, you must first make a contract to leave the patient, or if they refuse to enter the patient's body for a while, after trying they refuse, then he can use the way of return 'women or children take care of themselves or it may be studying going to sit sixth grade, now if you say sorry you have done it wrong, so you first use the contract, if it breaks up and kills it is the worst. Treatment was developed after testing it, but you can read it depends on the condition of the therapist or above or below the level, that of the patient.


Night prayer at about 2,3,4 is a very important matter and contains a secret he knows, Allah gave it to us as a gift, some of its benefits, it welcomes one's provision (2) and Allah answers the prayers of His servants, y 'One of the reasons why Satan fights against it is that he does not want anyone to pray it and whoever prays it becomes its enemy, so it is necessary for everyone, especially the sick, to hold on to that prayer self-treatment. Many patients have tried that and Allah has healed them and some have shown the people who are doing them harm.


The purpose of touching the jinn for humans already


Demon possession is like other diseases and it has its symptoms, but you have to be careful because there are consistent symptoms, similar to other diseases, and knowing these symptoms is important because it helps you start treatment, these symbols are doubled:

1 Sign that appears when someone is asleep. 

2 And the signs of awakening.


Some of them are: 

1- A person sees something in his sleep killing or strangling him, he cannot speak or shout, he wants to save himself but he cannot.

2. Constant nightmares. 

3. A person being asleep and people came to him and slept with him. or had intercourse with themof marriage 

4- A person is the one who is asleep and puts his head in the place where he puts his feet without knowing it.

5- Insomnia in the face and inability to sleep except after Iw a long time while not sleeping during the day.

6- Waking up at night with a panic attack 

7. Seeing animals in your sleep like snakes, cows, dogs, lions all the time, etc. 

8. A person wakes up in his sleep and starts walking without hearing. 

9- Grinding teeth in sleep.

10- Laughing or crying and screaming in sleep. 

11- Snoring or crying, screaming when not sick.

12- He may dream of seeing something but it's far away and he doesn't understand it very well like he wants to achieve it but can’t. 

13- Being asleep and seeing himself in a grave or a dirty place like a toilet or the street but scares me.

14- Seeing people with strange attributes, they may be very tall or very short, or very dark.

15- A person seeing that he is on top of a tall man wants to come out and fall.

16- A person who dreams a lot of laughs while sleeping.

17- It is very difficult for a person to pray the night prayer, and when he wakes up he is carrying a stone on his head. Purposes of demonic possession in wakefulness.


1- Being possessed by jinn and climbing on his head. 

2- Hourly headache or pain on one side only, if he is not sick with teeth or eyes, or anything that can cause headache. Feeling of seizures in her body like in her feet and hands all the time.

3- Feeling hair coming out of the head now and then.

4- A person becoming lazy in religious duties such as remembering Allah, praising Him, and turning away from prayer and every good deed that brings him to Paradise when he was not.

5- Feeling of pain in some of the joints of the body, which the English doctors have failed to treat without seeing it.

6- A person being too nailed in the mosque, especially when they are preaching all the time and because of the Fridays they are devils.

7- A person who loves music and hates the Qur'an and does not want to listen to it for a long time.

8- A person is very skeptical about everything he does and is distracted every hour and is very forgetful.

9- A person's desire to isolate himself all the time.

10- A person moving away from his home, or his wife, or hating children for no reason.

11-  Constant sadness and a heavy feeling of chest pain.

12- Someone getting a mental problem like talking the talk and putting the conversation where it doesn't go.

13- A person walking and hearing a noise as if someone is leaving him behind, or hearing someone calling him but not seeing him.

There are many other symptoms but sometimes it depends on the disease 


The following prayers are best recited in water, for drinking and bathing, but not boiling.The beauty of that Ruquya water, the cure for every disease, when the jinn enter a person they introduce many diseases and deprive him of water and bloodindeed Bi-idhinillah (by the power of Allah). 

That water used to punish the jinn and burn the jinn as if you could see fire those (Anniyya) to be true, and prayer and more, if you use them with determination I do not heal you as for them, but Allah passed His healing because of His words, exalted be Allah above everything below, who sent the Qur'an as a cure.That Ruquya water, it is better not to recite Bismillah, because the purpose if one drinks it or bathes it, is to treat and punish the devils, so that they die or run away, but if you recite Bismillah, the devils do not eat or drink.And that is why a magician can even eat ten kilos of food, or eat several goats cooked but leave without being satisfied because he eats with the devil, Allah tells us in the Qur'an:Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): * ...We have made the martyrs the first for those who do not believe. ©(We have made the devils a friend of those who disbelieves). 7:2 Al-A'raf: So even if you see them walking with snakes, don't be surprised, the devil is their friend.NB: For food that a demon patient is going to eat, it is better to recite Ruquya on it, whether it is a drink, for the reason mentioned above. Allah knows best.


Duas for rizq from quran

Duas for money problems

Duas for rizq and job

Duas for money problems

Duas for barakah in money

Duas for success

Duas for wealth and health

Duas for rizq in business

Duas for money

Duas to recite for wealth?

Duas to ask Allah for wealth?

Duas to get Barakah in money?

Duas for increases wealth in Islam

Ruqyah for anxiety

Ruqyah for Wealth

Ruqyah for sihr

Ruqyah for protection

Ruqyah for headache

Ruqyah for peaceful sleep

Ruqyah for shifa

Ruqyah for jinn

Ruqyah for sick person

Ruqyah for marriage blockage

Ruqyah for marriage soon

Ruqyah for magic

Ruqyah for marriage proposal in Islam

Ruqyah for marriage and relationship issues

Ruqyah for marriage pdf

Ruqyah for marriage proposal

Ruqyah for male infertility

Powerful Duas and Ruqyah Against Evil Eye, Black Possessed by Bad Spirits

Islam teaches that faith in Allah (God) and reliance on his protection are the ultimate safeguards against evil. Here are some powerful Duas (supplications) and practices from the Quran and Sunnah that can be beneficial:

Surahs in the Quran:

Surah Al-Fatihah (The Opening): Reciting the first chapter of the Quran is a powerful way to seek Allah's protection from all harm.

Ayat ul-Kursi (The Throne Verse): This verse from Surah Al-Baqarah (chapter 2) is known for its immense protective qualities.

Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas: These last three chapters of the Quran are known as the Muawwidhatayn (protections) and offer refuge from evil and jinn.

Dua against the Evil Eye: “A`udhu bi kalimat Allah al-tamaati min sharri kulli shaytanin wa daa’bbatin wa min sharri kulli ainin haasideh (I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of every devil and every crawling creature and from the evil of every envious eye).”


Ruqyah refers to the recitation of Quran verses, supplications, and the names of Allah over oneself or someone affected by evil. Here's a general Ruqyah you can perform:

Begin with Tawakkul (reliance on Allah): Place your trust in Allah for healing and protection.

Recite Al-Fatihah, Ayat ul-Kursi, and the Muawwidhatayn.

Blow gently on the person you are treating.

Make Dua for Allah to grant healing and remove any harm.

Additional Points:

Strengthen your Iman (faith): Regular prayer, recitation of Quran, and good deeds are crucial for spiritual strength.

Seek knowledge: Learn about Islamic etiquettes and practices to avoid attracting negative attention.

Consult a trustworthy scholar: If you suspect possession by bad spirits, seek help from a knowledgeable Imam or scholar who can perform a proper Ruqyah.

Important Note:

These are practices based on Islamic teachings. If you are experiencing health problems, it's important to see a qualified medical professional as well.  Seek Islamic guidance from a trusted scholar or Imam for a more comprehensive approach.


Zamu zamu



Olive  Oil

Black seeds 


1 On the off chance that you're a married woman and you wish Ruqyah Perusing it would be ideal if you come along with your spouse continuously or with someone 

2 On the off chance that you're not a hitched lady come together with your father or your mother or your brother or your sister 

3 On the off chance that you're a man who require Ruqyah Perusing dress up pleasantly 

4 If you're a lady dress up nicely 

5 In case you would like Ruqyah Perusing and you can't travel otherwise you can't come make a call. In the event that it's imperative able to come
