Additional completed Projects

Miccai (Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society) 2022

   Significantly contributed towards the challenge hosted by Dr. Valentina Pedoia and the Center-of Intelligent Imaging lab on: "“K2S: from under sampled K-space to Automatic Segmentation. ” The challenge focused on the efficient segmentation of key anatomical structures from under-sampled data which can eventually lead to a potential reduction in scan time for screening knee abnormalities in the clinic. My role was to: i) Curate a dataset of 300 high-resolution 3D knee MRIs including raw k-space data and post-processing annotations with masks for tissue segmentation. The 8x under-sampled, multi-channel k-space data of 300 fat-suppressed 3D FSE Cube sequences along with segmentation masks of cartilage, meniscus, and bone were shared as part of the challenge. These segmentation masks were generated by DL algorithms validated previously. Fully sampled images were shared for training as auxiliary information. ii) Curate a similar inference test set of 50 scans, 8x under-sampled k-spaces. This set did not have fully sampled images. Participants were to submit tissue segmentation labels. I evaluated the challenge submissions with reference to the ground truths, by iii) Dice coefficients (image-specific, tissue-specific), iv) cartilage thickness and bone shape, v) comparisons between submitted and ground truth mesh maps (of bone shape and cartilage thickness). 


Additional research contributions in other projects in the MQIR-CI2 lab