I'm always floored when I get to this post every year. When we're in the throws of it all some of the days, weeks, months even; they feel so damn long. And, yet here we are again at the end of another 365 day cycle. As always, some big things have unfolded for me, my family, my team, my friends; for most of us, probably. Which is what it's all about, right? Celebrating the big events but also appreciating the slow and simple phases in between when things just are as they are and that feels good, too. As far as running goes, for me it was a bit of a shit show. I had a couple good races in the winter, trained my ass off for Boston, took a spill the week before the marathon and ran it with a broken rib. So, clearly it didn't really go as planned. After that, I got mono. Which I didn't realize I had so I kept working and training right through it and suffering from exhaustion like nobody's business. Super fun. I injured my foot in the summer and that took forever to heal, not that I took time off to deal with it. Because who has time? And, yes, because I'm stubborn. Then in early October I lined up for my fall marathon having just gotten over Covid and slogged through it with just enough energy to finish for my team and ultimately seal our tie for the win in the New England Grand Prix Series. I'm really proud of this one. Although I don't recommend trying it yourself. It was probably not the smartest decision. So, yea. No personal bests. No great marathon stories. Just your standard ups and downs; mostly downs. Not that I don't appreciate the fact that I am out there running. I do. Every. Single. Day. As far as my family goes, my older daughter graduated high school, had the summer of her life and then flew off to college in Colorado in August. Which has been both thrilling and slightly devastating for me. I just miss having her around. My younger daughter is a junior and beginning the college process herself. I can't even think about her leaving and our house being empty. Jeff and I cruised through the year as we always do. Both of us working a lot and navigating parenthood - interesting and very tricky when they're teenagers - while also trying to have fun together and just appreciate all the good. Which sounds easy but often takes more effort than it should. In the end, I have zero complaints. I'm healthy. My family is healthy and happy. I'm running and coaching which is ultimately what I love to do. So, I'm very lucky and incredibly grateful. As far as RWM goes, in addition to my standard posts, I partnered up with the guys over at Six Minute Mile as a guest deejay, if you will. I'll also be writing reviews for them throughout the year on various running related products. I'm super excited about working with them. And that pretty much wraps it all up. Thank you, again, for following along this year through all my craziness. My stories aren't always that exciting but perhaps they resonate or make you laugh and I suppose that's reason enough for me to stick with it. And with that, I'll sign off. Have a wonderful holiday. Soak up every second. Relax when you can. And get ready to do it all over again in 2024.

I once went away with some friends to a resort in Devon for a weekend. On Saturday morning I went for a run while two of my mates played squash; I said I'd join them later. After the run, I got a text asking if I was coming to the squash court because one of them had hit the wall. I was thinking metaphorical but turns out it was the actual wall and when I got there he had a nasty cut on his nose and a bit of a black eye. Which is why I like safer solitary sports like running.

Running Music

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Especially when just running free and minimalist along the winding country roads of Devon with no worries. So this post assumes you are running without iPhone, just running with Apple Watch, no iPhone along for the ride, pure Apple Watch, your iPhone is back at home on a charger, bye bye iPhone, hello Apple Watch. It's the purest way.

Of course, Apple Airpods are the natural companion, they sound great and for me at least, stay in my ears (which wasn't the case for Apple Earpods running with iPhone - not sure if it is the shape or the lead but Earpods constantly fell out for me).

I have had some issues with AirPods seemingly getting sweaty and then not charging in the case. So I have pulled them out just before a run, only to find one of them is not charged. I initially thought this was a hardware issue and Apple support did too, happily sending me a new AirPod and a new case, but I had similar issues with the new stuff. I now give them a little wipe before putting them back in the case after a run, and it seems to have fixed it. I sometimes take the charging case with me on a long run too - and so I got a nice waterproof one from Amazon. This has the added benefit of having a keyring loop so I can attach a Tile to the case as well - in fact, I permanently keep the silicon case and Tile attached to the AirPods now - save's me running around the house in a panic trying to find them every other day.

Battery life is good for AirPods - it can be 5-6 hours, and then you can charge them all over again in the case 5 times, but lifetime is impacted if you have the volume up high (>90%) to cover the sound of traffic for example, where It can drop to 2-3 hours. You can run with one in and one charging in the case though and then swap them over if needed, though it's a bit fiddly to do while running. In reality, I have rarely run out of battery on even a long run, but I tend to take the case anyway - call me paranoid.

For option 1 - syncing music to Apple Watch you don't need an Apple Music subscription, but you do need to have added your music to iTunes. So to be clear you can get MP3 files from anywhere, including ripping them from a CD or downloading from other services or strange Russian websites (not recommended), then add them to your iTunes library using your PC/Mac and sync them to Apple Watch.

If you are an Apple Music subscriber then you get all 40+ million tracks available to you and certain mixes (such as the Favorites Mix or "Heavy Rotation") are automatically synced to Apple Watch without you doing anything (though you can turn them off in the Apple Watch app on iPhone in Music settings if you want). As with non Apple Music subscribers, you still need to add the music you want from Apple Music to your library, then you can sync them to Apple Watch.

Synced music on your Apple Watch is the most power efficient way of playing music but you do need some forethought unless you are happy with just the automatically added playlists. In reality I have added a few playlists and albums that I like and occasionally go in and add more, then forget about it. Things like "The A-List Blues" or "New Music" playlists are a dynamic ones from Apple so they change every week automatically, and when I am out running I get to hear new music without having to do anything - cool.

If you have an Apple Watch Series 3 with LTE, together with an Apple Music subscription then you can stream music directly from your watch, or play any Radio channel live directly from the watch. Battery life takes a hit for this though, so don't expect more than 90 minutes or so of constant streaming.

Or you can use Siri via Airpods or the Watch directly, and ask her to play something for you. In my original Everything you need to know about running with Apple Watch post I was quite critical of using Siri, but I have to say in recent months it seems to have improved a little, and I find myself using Siri more often to control playback of music while running than before. The hope is that the new v2 Airpods coming out this year will improve things further.

This isn't the developers fault, it is the way Apple have implemented music playback on Apple Watch. I am really hoping that there is an announcement at WWDC 2018 in June that fixes this one and for all, and means I can add podcasts to the list of of things I want synced to Apple Watch along with my music playlists and albumns. Fingers Crossed.

My running career has spanned nearly 12 years and I remember starting out with the need for music. I would never go on a run without my OG Ipod (elongated one that held like 75 - 100 tracks, circa 2005). I got so many miles out of that thing, until finally the sweat engulfed the volume keys, limiting it's capabilities.

Sometimes during a run, you're just trying to keep a steady pace and a smile on your face. Not every track has to be an angry sprint or a power anthem. CCR's 1969 single has both a steady beat and a laid-back vibe, making it the song you'll turn to when you're trying to remember why the hell you went running in the first place.

This 2008 track builds momentum effortlessly, just like a run on a good day. (And speaking of which, the chorus is literally urging you to run, fast.) Florence might annoy the crap out of you, and this song was definitely overplayed for multiple years, but it's nevertheless energetic and uplifting in a way that gives you wings, whether you're running or not.

I'm running MfaDR tonight for my group. I've looked around online, but I haven't been able to find an answer to this question: how do I nudge the PCs in the direction of the Wheelers' old furniture? They need to find Isabelle Wheeler's diary to succeed, but I don't see any logical reason why they'd go looking for an old owner's furniture, even if they figure out Isabelle is the reason why the house is haunted.

If you are using headphones to pump you up and improve your performance, stop. They probably have no effect, might actually hurt your performance during a workout, and certainly will make you less in tune with your effort. As a coach, I have never recommended athletes use music to get pumped up for a workout, and never will. If you simply want to catch up on your favorite podcast or audiobook, do so during an EnduranceRun or RecoveryRun and do the rest of the trail users a favor by leaving one earbud out and turning the volume down. 2351a5e196

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