For example, what if I'm running a complex workload in many GCF invocation instances, and I need to stop one worker (e.g. I no longer need the output from that job), how would I stop just that GCF invocation instance?

Cloud Functions have an labels.instanceId value that appears in the logs. Is there an API to terminate an instance? The challenge here is that I can try listening for a kill signal (on a Pub/Sub subscription, or polling a GCS file, or listening to a Memorystore Redis Pub/Sub channel), but all of these won't scale well when running thousands of concurrent GCF instances that could potentially need killing.

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As stated from the comments above, there's no option to stop a running Cloud Functions instance as it will only stop on error or success. A feature request was also suggested from the comments however we don't have a specific ETA for this.

While it may not be our first recommendation as a running-only option, if you are in the market for a cross-training pair of shoes that look amazing and perform admirably, we suggest giving the Cloud X 3 a whirl.

Matt Rasmussen lives in Keizer, Ore. with his wife and three daughters. He enjoys watching hockey, going to as many breweries (701) and wineries (237) as he can, and all things Canada (he was born there). Matt was raised as a baseball player and officially transitioned over to running in 2010.

Although this makes them durable enough to protect the more vulnerable EVA foam from the abrasive nature of wet asphalt for around 600kms, it can make them slightly unstable and occasionally slippery when running/walking on trickier surfaces.

The laces are elasticated and require some trial and error to get the system to fit your needs. So how do you lace up Cloud running shoes? They come pre-laced in a way that seems incomplete as there are ignored eyelets toward the toebox.

These shoes are definitely not a good model for runners with plantar fasciitis. The overall rigidity in their construction coupled with inflexible materials make for a shoe that does not perform well at lower running speeds, especially when a heelstrike is required. This is not ideal for the sensitive heels that plantar fasciitis causes.

Overall, these are some of the lightest (250g average) and most effective running shoes on the market. However, their uses are capped as great tempo shoes that could be used for short distance races, as well as, stylish athleisure gear.

They fulfil the need of a good running shoe that will not only keep your feet warm and dry during a wet and speedy 5-10km race, but will get you to work in style under a pair of jeans the following day.

By the end of my On Cloud Waterproof running shoes review the Clouds had proven that their versatility is the gift that keeps on giving. They cater to those wanting some slick, durable, and warm/dry treads for navigating any urban environment at speed or out for a stroll.

On running shoes are the brainchild of World Duathlon Champion and multiple Ironman Winner, Olivier Bernhard and likeminded Swiss engineers, David Allemann and Caspar Coppetti. The company was created in Zurich, Switzerland in January 2010 with the first shoes hitting the European markets later that same year. The company opened their US headquarters in Portland, Oregon and entered the US markets in 2014.

These road shoes feel like slippers more than running shoes. They are incredibly lightweight and comfortable with a minimalist feel. They provide tactile connection with the contour of the surface underfoot without eliminating cushioning and protection.

The On Cloud is certainly a worthy arrow to include in a road running quiver. I found it to be fantastic on shorter, faster runs (3-6 miles), but prefer more structure and cushioning for longer training runs. I tested these shoes too late in the season to use them in any triathlons, but I will definitely be racing in them next summer. For anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet from an occupational standpoint, these shoes are great for daily use, just standing and walking around as they provide ample cushion without bulk.

PythonAnywhere makes it easy to create and run Python programs in the cloud. You can write your programs in a web-based editor or just run a console session from any modern web browser. There's storage space on our servers, and you can preserve your session state and access it from anywhere, with no need to pay for, or configure, your own server. Start work on your work desktop, then later pick up from where you left off by accessing exactly the same session from your laptop.

The Cloud Functions runtime sets the EVENTARC_EMULATOR environmentvariable to localhost:9299 in the current process if the Eventarc emulatoris running. The Firebase Admin SDKs automatically connect to the Eventarcemulator when the EVENTARC_EMULATOR environment variable is set. You canmodify the default port as discussed under Configure Local Emulator Suite.

If you have functions that use the Firebase Admin SDK to write toCloud Firestore, these writes will be sent to the Cloud Firestore emulatorif it is running. If further functions are triggered by those writes,they will be run in the Cloud Functions emulator.

If you have functions that use the Firebase Admin SDK (version 9.7.0 or greater)to write to Cloud Storage, these writes will be sent to the Cloud Storage emulatorif it is running. If further functions are triggered by those writes,they will be run in the Cloud Functions emulator.

If you have functions that use the Firebase Admin SDK (version 9.3.0 or greater)to write to Firebase Authentication, these writes will be sent to the Auth emulatorif it is running. If further functions are triggered by those writes,they will be run in the Cloud Functions emulator.

I've tried all of the above (checked logs, service accounts, permissions, billing accounts, etc). I've also created a new cloud run service with the "hello" sample container and also get similar errors.

The service files are the ones shipped with the installation of cloud-init-17.1-34.2.x86_64 and cloud-init-config-suse-17.1-34.2.x86_64 from the openSuSE Update OSS repo. As they are oneshot-units, all their statuses look the same:

Lately, however, something stopped working. I would provision a host. The userdata open-vm-tools provisioning template works fine. But when cloud-init runs on the host, it fails. The weird part is that if I do a rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/instances and reboot the machine, then it runs properly but not sure why if the config is the same.


to get me started, i used this blog entry:

Vmware Provisioning Template Redhat Satellite

I changed the cloud.cfg to create ssh host keys.

There are various templating guides out there, i used the redhat satellite guide (beginning at page 96)


My cloud.cfg adaption:

My mate has had an ongoing issue for over a year with "The cloud file provider is not running." showing up on his screen whenever he tries to launch his game from the launcher, he has no mods and had the same issue with DayZ. He has OneDrive disabled which seems to be the problem for most by looking at the steam community and reddit although hes only disabled it recently after finding out it was an issue (and unneeded) ?. We've seen some replies saying that its much easier just to reset your pc than to delete OneDrive entirely and obviously we'd rather not have to do this. Any help is good, just really want to get into the game!

On first boot, cloud-init obtains meta data, user data, and network config from a cloud. All of this info is cached, so on subsequent boots, it doesn't need or try to re-obtain this information from the cloud. Some clouds override this behavior to obtain this data every single boot, but for raspberry pi, this should only happen on first boot. It then runs through a number of modules to process any provided cloud-config. Any module that has a Module frequency of always will run every boot. If one runs cloud-init clean or the cloud provides the instance with a new instance id, cloud-init will (mostly) re-run things as if it were first boot.

For your use case, you're correct. It would be more correct for the comment to say "Changes are not guaranteed to persist across an instance reboot." However, if you run cloud-init clean, then you should see that file re-generated.

Hi Robert, any change? I also have exactly what you describe. The noise is highly irritating. It is also done indexing but since I need the cloud connection, the process keeps the CPU busy and the fans turning!

Any update from @WD?

In contrast to a long-running process (LRP), tasks run for a finite amount of time, then stop. Tasks run in their own containers and are designed to use minimal resources. After a task runs, Cloud Foundry destroys the container running the task.

At the system level, a user with admin-level privileges can use the Cloud Controller v3 API to view all tasks that are running within an org or space. Formore information, see the Cloud Foundry API documentation.

Before we dive into the specifics of the Cloud X, let me share some background on the brand. On Running is only about 10 years old and is based out of Zrich, Switzerland. The idea started to create a shoe with a soft landing followed by explosive take-offs. On has received numerous accolades for their design and have research that confirms running efficiency through their innovative midsole design.

In contrast, with the advent of .NET Core, modern .NET Core applications can be designed to take advantage of all the cloud benefits. Modern applications can use the traditional set of compute choices, and also target various types of serverless environment, including AWS Fargate or AWS Lambda.

AWS has the broadest global infrastructure with 77 Availability Zones (AZ) across 24 regions and 99.99% availability for each Amazon EC2 region. By moving your Microsoft workloads to AWS, customers can realize a 98% reduction in unplanned downtime, 71% faster deployment, and 26% higher developer productivity, per IDC. AWS also delivered 2x better performance and 62% lower cost for a SQL Server workload on an EC2 R5b.8xlarge instance when directly tested against the next largest cloud provider, per Principled Technologies.


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